Ab­stract ein­rei­chen

27. Internationale Passivhaustagung 2024 in Innsbruck, Österreich

: Pflichtfelder

Name des/der Referent*in
Internationale Telefonnummern müssen mit "+" oder "00" und anschließendem Ländercode beginnen.
Falls Ihr Beitrag für die Tagung ausgewählt wird, möchten wir Sie gerne als Referent*in (inklusive Foto und Lebenslauf) auf unserer Tagungswebseite und im Programmheft präsentieren.
Internationale Telefonnummern müssen mit "+" oder "00" und anschließendem Ländercode beginnen.
Falls Ihr Beitrag für die Tagung ausgewählt wird, möchten wir Sie gerne als Referent*in (inklusive Foto und Lebenslauf) auf unserer Tagungswebseite und im Programmheft präsentieren.
Korrespondenzadresse: Name, Vorname:
Internationale Telefonnummern müssen mit "+" oder "00" und anschließendem Ländercode beginnen.

I hereby submit a contribution to the 27th International Passive House Conference 2024 in Innsbruck, Austria. I consent that my data may be collected, stored and used by the Passivhaus Institut GmbH and the PHI Österreich GmbH within the framework of the 27th International Passive House Conference and passed on to the Scientific Conference Advisory Board for the purpose of correspondence and evaluation. In addition, I agree that the abstract I am submitting with this form as well as all future versions of my contribution to the conference proceedings can be forwarded to third parties exclusively for the purpose of requesting training credit points for the conference participants. I confirm that if my abstract is accepted by the Scientific Conference Advisory Board, I will con­trib­ute to the 27th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce by do­ing the fol­low­ing:

  • Giv­ing a 20- to 25-minute pre­sent­a­tion (1 speaker and max. one co-speaker; short group Q&A at the end; us­ing a Power­Point slideshow is re­com­men­ded)
  • Sub­mit­ting a 2-,4- or maximum 6-page art­icle to the di­git­al con­fer­en­ce pro­ceed­ings
  • At­tend­ing the con­fer­en­ce in Inns­bruck, Aus­tria
  • Consenting to the fact that the photo and CV of the speaker(s) will be published on the conference website and in the programme booklet of the 27th International Passive House Conference

I aknowledge that the 27th International Passive House Conference will take place in Innsbruck, Austria and that I am / the selected speaker is expected to officially register as a participant. If one or both of the speakers are unable to attend, I will inform the conference team as soon as possible and name a new speaker. I acknowledge that the decision of the Scientific Conference Advisory Board concerning the acceptance and allocation of this contribution is final and that it requires no justification. The recourse to law concerning the acceptance and allocation of this contribution is excluded.

If my abstract is accepted by the Scientific Conference Advisory Board, I agree that my finished article as well as any translations thereof can be published in the digital conference proceedings and on the websites of the Passive House Institute. I consent to the fact that any recording of my / the speaker’s presentation may be broadcasted live during the time frame of the conference, that it will be made available to all conference participants for a limited period of time after the conference, and that subsequently, the recording may be sold to other interested parties. Furthermore, I agree that the recording of the presentation can be used by the Passivhaus Institut GmbH and the PHI Österreich GmbH, the International Passive House Association (iPHA) and its partner organisations for scientific purposes, for educational offers, for promoting the Passive House Standard, and for any other public relations activities, unless otherwise stated in advance by myself in writing. The format of the video recording(s) may be adapted to the corresponding device and context if necessary.
To the best of my knowledge, the information to be provided in my presentation and in my written contribution to the conference proceedings is true and accurate. I agree to cite all sources and give photo credits accurately. I will ensure that I hold the copyrights for all graphic material (pictures, graphs, videos etc.) included in my presentation and in my written contribution to the conference proceedings. I acknowledge that the Passivhaus Institut GmbH, the International Passive House Association (iPHA), and the PHI Österreich GmbH are not liable for the truthfulness or accuracy of the presentation and the contribution to the conference proceedings, nor for the correct citing of any sources used therein.