
Liste der Sessions

Session: Special EnerPHit renovation concepts

Samstag, 6. April 2024, 10:45 Uhr
Raum: HSB1, Technikerstr. 13b
Sprache: Englisch

Zeit Titel Referent*in
10:45 Begrüßung Elena Reyes | Passivhaus Institut
10:50 Preserving cities through Passive House: the Carriage House Michael Ingui | Baxt Ingui Architects, PC; Kevin Brennan | Brennan Insulation & Airtightness
11:15 Feedback 5 years after the EnerPHit global retrofit of the “Georges Chepfer collège project” in Villers-les-Nancy Romain Claret | PLAN 9; Étienne Vekemans | ProPassif, Paris
11:40 Varoussi Trikala: Renovating History Stefan Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute
12:05 Urban Passivhaus – working within existing urban layouts Phil Catcheside | Hawkins\Brown
12:30 Second life for a Brutalist icon: Marcel Breuer’s headquarters building in New Haven is now an EnerPHit Hotel Dragos-Ionut Arnautu | Passivhaus Institut; Bruce Becker | Becker + Becker Architects
12:55 Fragerunde Elena Reyes | Passivhaus Institut

Liste der Sessions