Call for papers

Oct. 23, 2016

Thank you for over 250 papers! The International Passive House Conference 2017 with its theme “Passive House for all” provides a forum for presenting examples and ideas relating to this. The Passive House Institute invited to submit abstracts until 1 October 2016 and received many very interesting papers!


Thank you for over 250 papers! The International Passive House Conference 2017 with its theme “Passive House for all” provides a forum for presenting examples and ideas relating to this. The Passive House Institute invited to submit abstracts until 1 October 2016 and received many very interesting papers!

Passive House buildings are now possible for all stages of life: from kindergartens, schools and universities to retirement homes. Energy efficient Passive House buildings impress with their comfort and consistently low energy demand.

In addition, Passive House buildings are feasible with all construction methods, with all kinds of energy supply systems and for all budgets. The Passive House Standard can be achieved for new constructions as well as for retrofits. Moreover, from a global energy efficiency perspective, the fact that Passive House buildings work well in all climate zones including artic and tropical climates, is very important.