Commissioning and Monitoring (in German*)

Hall Stolz 1+2 (Level 0) - Friday, 28 April 2017

Time Topic Speaker

4 pm

Energy consumption, operation and comfort in a PH office building

Philip Horn, Tim Selke

4:25 pm

Airtightness measurement for relevant wind and thermal influence in a tall, PH multi-family home

Stefanie Rolfsmeier

4:50 pm

Operational experience with PH systems engineering in “zero:e park”

Rainer Tepe

5:15 pm

Calculating the rebound effect

Stefan Oehler

5:40 pm

Commissioning and operation as success factors for energy efficient buildings

Søren Peper

6:05 pm

Schirmer | Quality assurance in construction – challenges in implementing PH in China
Imkeller-Benjes | Healthy, comfortable and climate-friendly teaching and learning in a PH school

Schirmer, Imkeller-Benjes

*Simultaneous translation into English will be provided.