Session 15: Passive House Retrofits in Germany
(German moderation, presentations with English subtitles)
Thursday, 8 October 2020, 9:00 am
Time (CEST) | Topic | Speaker |
9:00 am | Welcome | ![]() Dirk Mobers | Chair |
9:05 am |
Sinfonia: The "French Houses" of Tirol are ready for the energy transition (Presentation in German) It is important that a green retrofit leaves residents happy and able to continue enjoying the comforts of modern living. Only a comprehensive retrofit concept built for living is truly sustainable! Cost-effective retrofitting measures make the energy-efficient refurbishment of post-war architecture both possible and worthwhile
![]() Harald Konrad Malzer | NEUE HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH |
9:20 am |
Retrofit transition of the landmarked hippopotamus house in the Nuremberg Tiergarten towards a zero-energy building (Presentation in German) The former hippopotamus house at the Nuremberg zoo was redeveloped as a “desert house” that meets the Passive House Standard. The building envelope relies on continuous interior insulation (floor, walls, ceiling) to eliminate thermal bridges. Since the retrofit, the building no longer consumes heating energy. CO2 savings of around 99% have been achieved. |
![]() Mario Bodem | ING+ARCH |
9:35 am |
From school to apartment building: An EnerPhit transition (Presentation in German) Mit dem Umbau des 1908 errichteten ehemaligen Gymnasiums Uhlenhorst-Barmbek wurde die erste EnerPHit-Modernisierung in Hamburg realisiert. Es entstanden 40 öffentlich geförderte und frei finanzierte Wohnungen. Die tatsächlichen Verbräuche für Heizenergie und Warmwasser passen zur EnerPHit Berechnung.
![]() Lars Beckmannshagen | ZEBAU GmbH |
9:50 am | Question and Answer | |
10:10 am |
Retrofit transformation of the Danish Expo pavilion into a plus-energy building with a PVT heat pump system (Presentation in German) The Danish Pavilion was refurbished using highly energy-efficient Passive House components, resource-saving technology and renewable energy. The centrepiece of the building technology is an innovative, building-integrated, rainproof PVT system combined with a heat pump. |
![]() Carsten Grobe | Architektur- und TGA-Planungsbüro Carsten Grobe Passivhaus |
10:25 am |
Windows: That's how you do it right! (Presentation in German) Im Klima Frankfurt am Main lohnt sich die Investition in dreifach verglaste Kunststofffenster mit Wärme gedämmten Rahmen. Die Installation des Fensters in der Dämmebene bringt Licht- und Energiegewinnen sowie Kosteneinsparungen. |
![]() Benjamin Krick | Passive House Institute & University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt |
10:40 am | Question and Answer | |
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