专题论坛 6

专题论坛 6: 被动房相关工具的应用

2020年9月24日‧星期四; 欧洲中部时间: 5:00 pm (北京时间: 11:00 pm) 

时间 (CEST) 主题 演讲者
5:00 pm Wel­come
Andrew Peel | Chair

5:05 pm

Ex­per­i­en­ces in the op­tim­isa­tion of a run­ning sys­tem us­ing sim­u­la­tion soft­ware

Tobias Hatt | Energieinstitut Vorarlberg


5:20 pm

Green­hou­se gas emis­si­ons cal­cu­la­tor for PHPP v9.6

The GHG Emis­sions Cal­cu­lat­or is a car­bon ana­lys­is plu­gin for PHPP v9.6 de­ve­loped to en­able Passivhaus de­sign­ers to spe­ci­fy in­su­la­tion prop­er­ties in real time so as to min­im­ize the sum of em­bod­ied and op­er­a­tion­al GHG emis­sions of the build­ing ac­cord­ing to its spe­cif­ic en­ergy grid and ser­vice life. 

Philippe St-Jean_380.jpg
Philippe St-Jean | McGill University

5:35 pm

New Tools, New Work­flows for Com­bi­ned Dy­na­mic and PHPP Mo­de­ling at Sca­le

Du­ring de­sign it can of­ten be use­ful to pair the PHPP per­for­man­ce mo­del with a dy­na­mic mo­de­ling tool such as the US DOE’s En­er­gy+. This ses­si­on will pre­sent a new open-sour­ce soft­wa­re tool which al­lows de­si­gn­ers to crea­te both PHPP and En­er­gy+ mo­dels from a sin­gle sour­ce Buil­ding In­for­ma­ti­on Mo­del.

Edwin May | BLDGtyp
5:50 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

6:10 pm

Plan­ning ven­ti­la­ti­on sys­tems with de­si­gn­PH

Design­PH is the 3D in­ter­face to the PHPP and a re­li­able, tested and val­id­ated tool as a plan­ning guide for in­teg­rated pro­ject plan­ning. In the course of an FFG-fun­ded pro­ject [E.Vent], dy­nam­ic com­pon­ents for sim­pli­fied vent­il­a­tion plan­ning were tested with design­PH. 

Laszlo Lepp | Passive House Institute - Innsbruck
6:25 pm

PHPP vs. dy­na­mic si­mu­la­ti­on – pre­dic­ti­on of PV-self-con­sump­ti­on with the PHPP

A new work­sheet for PHPP is avail­able for the cal­cu­la­tion the monthly elec­tri­city con­sump­tion of a heat pump (based on the Carnot meth­od) us­ing the an­nu­al elec­tri­city con­sump­tion from PHPP as in­put. Fur­ther­more, the photo­vol­ta­ic self con­sump­tion can be pre­dicted.  

Fabian Ochs | University of Innsbruck, Unit for Energy Efficient Buildings

6:40 pm

Re­li­able ev­al­u­ation pro­ced­ure for ef­fi­ciency and in­vest­ment cost po­ten­tial in ar­chi­tec­tur­al com­pet­i­tions

Die im En­twurf get­ro­f­fen­en Entscheidun­gen bzgl. Kom­pak­theit, Ori­en­ti­er­ung, Fen­ster­anteil etc. wirken sich nach­weis­lich entscheidend auf den zu er­reichenden En­er­gi­est­and­ard und die dam­it im Zusam­men­hang stehenden Errich­tungs- aber auch Be­trieb­skos­ten aus. Ein zuver­lässiges Be­w­er­tungs­ver­fahren bzgl. Ef­f­iz­ienz- und In­vestkos­ten­po­ten­tial für Ar­chitek­tur­wettbe­w­erbe ist hier also un­abd­ing­bar.

Harald Konrad Malzer | NEUE HEIMAT TIROL Gemeinnützige WohnungsGmbH
6:55 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  
This year you will find them­at­ic­ally suit­able poster con­tri­bu­tions in the ON­LINE Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion:  

From Lambda de­clared to the Lambda design value in hot and hu­mid cli­mate us­ing ISO 10456, Roberto Ian­netti | Im­ple­ment­ing a Pass­ive House mon­it­or­ing plat­form – keep it simple,  João Mar­celino | Laser Scan­ning and BIM: a power­full and trust­full tan­dem in re­fur­bish­ment us­ing En­erphit, Pablo Car­ranza


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