
专题论坛1: 近零能耗建筑

2020年9月23日‧星期三; 欧洲中部时间: 9:00 am (北京时间: 3:00 pm) 

时间(CEST) 主题 演讲者
9:00 am Wel­come
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Dieter Herz | Chair

9:05 am

Eco­no­mi­cal eva­lua­ti­on bet­ween PH and ne­ar­ly Ze­ro En­er­gy buil­dings in Gree­ce

The eva­lua­ti­on sho­wed that even in con­struc­ti­on costs the MF Pas­si­ve Hou­se is 18% chea­per than the NZEB one. The SF Pas­si­ve Hou­se is al­so 8% chea­per than the NZEB one. At the sa­me ti­me PH per­forms 4 ti­mes bet­ter than the best hou­se that can be de­li­ver­ed by na­tio­nal law and this wi­thout any per­for­man­ce gap. This ma­kes PH the sa­fest so­lu­ti­on to ach­ie­ve nZEB in Gree­ce.

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Dimitris Pallantzas | Hellenic Passive House Institute


9:20 am

A land­mark for the com­mu­ni­ty on the Ad­ria­tic coast: the Pas­siv­haus ME­GA­BOX of­fi­ce

Mega­box is an of­fice build­ing on the Ad­ri­at­ic coast, built with the aim at be­ing pleas­ant and com­fort­able for the em­ploy­ees and a land­mark for the com­mu­nity. The many chal­lenges (ori­ent­a­tion, thermal bridges, shad­ing) have been over­come while us­ing PHPP as a de­cision-mak­ing tool. It turned out that PH was the most eco­nom­ic­ally con­veni­ent vari­ant with no ex­tra costs.

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Francesco Nesi | ZEPHIR - Passivhaus Italia

9:35 am

Pas­siv­haus Plus hou­sing mo­ni­to­ring me­di­ter­ra­nean cli­ma­te

R&ROLL HOU­SES (ID:5978) ha­ve be­en the first ones to ob­tain the Pas­siv­haus Plus cer­ti­fi­ca­te in the Spa­nish Me­di­ter­ra­nean.
The hou­ses are mo­ni­to­red un­der dif­fe­rent pa­ra­me­ters, to bet­ter un­der­stand the be­ha­vi­or of this ty­pe of buil­dings wi­thin the par­ti­cu­lar cli­ma­to­lo­gy of the Me­di­ter­ra­nean re­gi­on.

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Raquel Mar­cos Ló­pez | ra[ ]el ARQUITECTURA
9:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

10:10 am

An evo­lu­ti­on of Na­tio­nal nZEB stan­dard us­ing Pas­si­ve Hou­se prin­cip­les

The evol­u­tion of nZEB defin­i­tion in Ro­mania is presen­ted, start­ing with the first pro­vi­sion in the leg­al frame­work and set of per­form­ance in­dic­at­ors (2016) and de­scrib­ing the de­vel­op­ment of the new concept for nZEB as provided in the new pro­posed meth­od­o­logy for EPB cal­cu­la­tion (un­der re­vi­sion 2020).

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10:25 am

Cost op­tim­al nZEB res­id­en­tial new builds

Tho­mas Roß­kopf | Energieinstitut Vorarlberg

10:40 am

Mind the gap: nZEB and Pas­siv­haus: An Ir­ish per­spec­ti­ve

Ire­land was an early ad­op­ter of Pass­ive House with the first in 2005. Since this date the take-up of Pass­ive Houses has fluc­tu­ated over the years due to the re­ces­sion and this pa­per in­vest­ig­ates wheth­er the take-up of Pass­ive Houses un­der­tak­ing full Passivhaus cer­ti­fic­a­tion is re­du­cing due to the re­quire­ment of new houses to be Nearly Zero En­ergy Build­ings (nZEB).

Mark Stephens | Mark Stephens Architects and Certified Passive House Consultants
10:55 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

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