Ses­sion 7

Ses­si­on 7: Pre­fab­ric­ated ret­ro­fit­ting: The out­PHit pro­ject

Sat­urday, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2021


Seri­al, pre­fab­ric­ated re­fur­bish­ment is ex­pec­ted to lead to high­er re­fur­bish­ment rates in the fu­ture. The out­PHit pro­ject was launched to pool ex­ist­ing know­ledge in Europe and to ad­vance the ap­proach to cost-ef­fect­ive re­fur­bish­ment thanks to pre­fab­ric­ated com­pon­ents, such as wall ele­ments with win­dows already in­stalled in an air­tight man­ner. In this ses­sion, speak­ers will re­port on vari­ous pro­jects in which the concept has proven suc­cess­ful. Areas of ap­plic­a­tion of pre­fab­ric­ated ren­ov­a­tion and field re­ports from pro­jects real­ized in dif­fer­ent coun­tries will shed light on dif­fer­ent as­pects and ap­proaches de­pend­ing on the build­ing ma­ter­i­al and the cli­ent's re­quire­ments for the pro­ject.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er           
2:15 pm Wel­co­me
Fabian Ochs

2:20 pm

Pre­fab­ric­ated En­erPHit ret­ro­fit with wood mod­ules

Gerhard Kopeinig | ARCH+MORE ZT GmbH

2:35 pm

SAINT-GOBAIN pre.Form­ance – pre­fab­ric­ated sys­tem for ef­fi­ciently ret­ro­fit­ting res­id­en­tial build­ings
De­car­bon­isa­tion of build­ing stock and car­bon neut­ral­ity come at a high cost and have many hurdles to over­come. With pre.Form­ance, SAINT-GOBAIN has de­ve­loped a solu­tion that can achieve a com­plete ex­ist­ing build­ing ret­ro­fit with ever-few­er trades­people in the short space of time from now un­til 2050.
Michael Langkau | SAINT-GOBAIN Deutschland & Österreich

2:50 pm

Liv­ing cost-neut­ral En­erPHit ret­ro­fits on the rise

Carl en clarence.jpeg
Clarence Rose & Carl-peter Goossen | DNA in de bouw
3:05 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

3:25 pm

Ma­king ex­is­ting ho­mes fit for the fu­ture with TCo­sy Pas­si­ve Re­tro­fit

The worsen­ing cli­mate crisis and the need to reach net-zero car­bon emis­sions calls for a dra­mat­ic new way to ret­ro­fit build­ings. The Beat­tie Pass­ive pat­en­ted TCosyTM sys­tem, ef­fect­ively deep ret­ro­fits ex­ist­ing build­ings to achieve ex­cep­tion­ally high levels of en­ergy ef­fi­ciency.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Ron Beattie | Beattie Passive
3:40 pm

Dif­fe­rent ways and pos­si­bi­li­ties for ap­p­li­ca­ti­on me­thods of se­ri­al re­no­va­ti­on - out­PHit

With­in the EU-Pro­ject out­PHit, the ap­plic­a­tion of seri­al ren­ov­a­tion and a high de­gree of pre­fab­ric­a­tion will be ap­plied for re­fur­bish­ing in en­erPHit-stand­ard. This con­tri­bu­tion will de­mon­strate a solu­tion for wall heat­ing from out­side, es­pe­cially for low tem­per­at­ure heat­ing via heat pump, point­ing out pos­sib­il­it­ies and lim­it­a­tions.

Rainer Pfluger | Universität Innsbruck
3:55 pm

De­ep Re­tro­fits / out­PHit : Les­sons le­ar­ned out of rea­li­sed out­PHit (En­er­PHit/En­er­gie­sprong)

Pre­fab con­struc­tion is an old ac­quaint­ance. Pre­fab have been thor­oughly used in the last one and a half cen­tury in France. New gen Pre­fab con­struc­tion has taken in­to ac­count last cen­tury her­it­age and de­vel­op new am­bi­tions as low car­bon wooden Pre­fab take path to many ret­ro­fits throughout Europe. Pan­dem­ic & eco­nom­ic re­launch has giv­en a new dy­nam­ic. 

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Etienne Vekemans | PROPASSIF Sarl, Paris
4:10 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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