Ses­sion 8

Ses­si­on 8: It keeps get­ting bet­ter - us­ing Pass­ive House com­pon­ents

Sat­urday, 11 Sep­tem­ber 2021


The high qual­ity of the in­di­vidu­al com­pon­ents is cru­cial to the ba­sic prin­ciples of pass­ive house con­struc­tion. The cost ef­fi­ciency and en­ergy "re­turn" of a Pass­ive House de­pend heav­ily on the com­pon­ents used. In Ses­sion 8, speak­ers will present new ways to im­prove the per­form­ance of such com­pon­ents, but also high­light the lim­it­a­tions of how to im­prove their per­form­ance. Top­ics in­clude both the ana­lys­is of com­monly used com­pon­ents and ma­ter­i­als and the present­a­tion of in­nov­a­tions and new de­vel­op­ments in this field.


Time (CEST) Top­ic Speak­er       
2:15 pm Wel­co­me
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Joachim Cieslok

2:20 pm

Lim­it­a­tions to thermal bridge pre­ven­tion in con­struc­tion: column con­nec­tions

This art­icle out­lines the chal­lenges and lim­it­a­tions of re­du­cing thermal bridges caused  by re­in­forced con­crete and steel sup­ports and sets out some ini­tial solu­tions. The huge po­ten­tial of de­vel­op­ing new thermal sep­ar­a­tion com­pon­ents has been iden­ti­fied.

Adrian Muskatewitz | Passivhaus Institut

2:35 pm

Ef­fi­cient elec­tric hot wa­ter pro­duc­tion in newly built or ret­ro­fit­ted multi-fam­ily houses

The com­par­is­on of 7 very dif­fer­ent elec­tric hot wa­ter sup­ply sys­tems re­veals only slight dif­fer­en­ces in terms of power de­mand and li­fe­cycle costs. Ex­haust air heat pumps per­form par­tic­u­larly well, but con­ven­tion­al sys­tems op­er­at­ing at 60°C are not ad­vis­able.

Jürgen Schieders.JPG
Jürgen Schnieders | Passivhaus Institut

2:50 pm

The first slid­ing door in the phA+ en­ergy ef­fi­ciency class – the best there is

Cer­ti­fied lift-and-slide doors in the Cent­ral European con­struc­tion style meet re­gion­al re­quire­ments but are un­suit­able as mass-mar­ket com­pon­ents for “slide” type open­ings. A new slid­ing mech­an­ism and a solu­tion that can be cer­ti­fied in the phA + en­ergy ef­fi­ciency class have been de­ve­loped in or­der to fill this gap.

Franz Freundorfer | pro Passivhausfenster GmbH
3:05 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

3:25 pm

In­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­als and their prop­er­ties

A tool de­signed with old build­ings in mind com­pares im­port­ant data from 28 dif­fer­ent in­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­als (in­clud­ing per­form­ance, costs, en­ergy pay­back time, primary en­ergy con­tent, sum­mer in­su­la­tion, GWP, etc.). The res­ults, presen­ted as a graph, can be used as a de­cision-mak­ing aid when se­lect­ing the in­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­al.

Arnold Drewer | IPEG-Institut
3:40 pm

Buil­ding the fu­ture with car­bon sto­ring pre­fab walls

Björn Kierulf | EcoCocon

3:55 pm

Tap­ping in­to the mar­ket with straw-bale con­struc­tion – the suc­cess story of Zi­mmerei Grün­specht eG

Zi­mmerei Grün­specht got on board with straw-bale con­struc­tion in 2019 reach­ing new heights of sus­tain­ab­il­ity by do­ing so. Wood, straw and loam lay the found­a­tions for en­vir­on­ment­ally friendly, healthy and re­cyc­lable con­struc­tion. The re­port high­lights that low tech, nat­ur­al re­sources can work in uni­son with mod­ern con­struc­tion meth­ods to meet cus­tom­er de­mands.

Click to view on Youtube (Google).
Markus Wolf & Philipp Weßling | Zimmerei Grünspecht eG
4:10 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

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