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Call for Pa­pers


Call for Pa­pers is closed now!

Thank you for sub­mit­ting a num­ber of in­ter­est­ing and ex­cit­ing ab­stracts!

Ab­stracts could be sub­mit­ted on the top­ics be­low. These top­ics of­fer con­nect­ing factors, but the Call for Pa­pers is al­ways open to all con­tri­bu­tions that show how the Pass­ive House de­term­ines and ad­vances as key to sus­tain­ab­le build­ings on our way to a com­mon fu­ture.

Re­gard­less of the pan­dem­ic, eco­nom­ic or polit­ic­al situ­ation, we would like to give the chance to all speak­ers and par­ti­cipants to take part from around the world and get in touch and ex­change ideas. This year present­a­tions can also be giv­en as video lec­tures.

What hap­pens next?

After re­ceiv­ing your ab­stracts our Sci­en­tif­ic Ad­vis­ory Board will de­cide on the con­tri­bu­tions sub­mit­ted. At the Ad­vis­ory Board meet­ing, 80 con­tri­bu­tions will be se­lec­ted on the basis of a rank­ing. The speak­ers are ex­pec­ted to be in­formed about the ac­cept­ance of their ab­stracts from Novem­ber 2022 and the con­fer­en­ce pro­gramme will sub­se­quently be pub­lished on our web­site.



  • Ef­fi­ciency NOW! These pro­jects make a dif­fer­en­ce
  • Eco­lo­gic­al, sus­tain­able and sav­ing en­ergy: Pass­ive Houses
  • Elec­tri­fy­ing Pass­ive House
  • Com­bin­ing Pass­ive House and Re­new­ables: NZEB, ZEB and net­Zero build­ings
  • Fast and re­li­able ret­ro­fits to­wards En­erPHit Stand­ard
  • Ad­vant­ages of the Pass­ive House stand­ard for city quar­ters
  • Highly ef­fi­cient and com­fort­able in the sum­mer heat
  • Non-res­id­en­tial Pass­ive House build­ings
  • Highly ef­fi­cient health­care fa­cil­it­ies: hos­pit­als, doc­tor's of­fices and nurs­ing homes
  • Re­li­able and cost-ef­fi­cient build­ing auto­ma­tion
  • Im­pact­ful tech­no­logy: Vent­il­a­tion units with heat re­cov­ery
  • Pass­ive House com­pon­ents: cur­rent de­vel­op­ments
  • Do-it-your­self en­ergy ef­fi­ciency
  • Pass­ive House policies and sub­sidies
  • Pass­ive House eco­nom­ics in an out-of-con­trol con­struc­tion mar­ket
  • Pass­ive House com­mu­nic­a­tion and edu­ca­tion
  • KISS: simple and af­ford­able con­struc­tion meth­ods
  • New Pass­ive House tools and mon­it­or­ing res­ults

Sci­en­tif­ic Ad­vis­ory Board Mem­bers 2023

  • Bretz­ke, Axel | DE
  • Bur­rell, El­rond | NZ
  • Cunz, Thi­lo | DE
  • Ebel, Dr. Wit­ta | DE
  • Feist, Dr. Wolf­gang | DE
  • Groß­k­los, Marc | DE
  • Han, Fei | CN
  • Kreut­zer, Si­mo­ne | SE
  • Lepp, Lasz­lo | AT
  • Lin­der, Ma­thi­as | DE
  • Le­wis, Sa­rah | UK
  • May, Ed | US
  • Mobers, Dirk | DE
  • Mo­ri, Mi­wa | JP
  • Na­son, Ka­te | AU
  • Pal­lantz­as, Ste­fan | HE
  • Paul­sen, Mon­te | CA
  • Peel, An­drew | CA
  • Pflu­ger, Dr. Rai­ner | AT
  • Ron­gen, Lud­wig | DE
  • Stei­ger, Jan | DE
  • Stein­mül­ler, Dr. Bernd | DE
  • Theu­mer, Su­san­ne | DE
  • Tz­a­nev, Dr. Dra­go­mir | UK
  • Ve­ke­mans, Eti­en­ne | FR
  • We­ber, Chris­ti­ne | DE
  • Was­souf, Mi­cheel | ES
  • Wohl­fahrt, Matt­hi­as | DE
  • Yu, Mou | DE


We look for­ward to cre­at­ing an in­spir­ing pro­gramme for the up­com­ing 26th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Wies­baden, Ger­many in­clud­ing ad­di­tion­al on­line of­fer­ings.