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Electrifying Passive House & Highly efficient healthcare facilities: hospitals, doctor's offices and nursing homes
Aug. 18, 2022
Ecological, sustainable and saving energy: Passive Houses & Combining Passive House and Renewables
Aug. 11, 2022
Efficiency NOW! These projects make a difference & Do-it-yourself energy efficiency
Aug. 4, 2022

Why are these topics so important?

Welcome to Wiesbaden
July 27, 2022

Welcome to Wiesbaden. The 26th International Passive House Conference is going to take place at the RheinMain CongressCenter.

Sept. 7, 2021

This week's Conference Countdown looks to China. At #25intPHC, Rolf Demmler will present monitoring-data from a high-rise building in Tianjin Eco-City, one of the first in Asia to be certified.


Session 12 on Tuesday, 14 September, 2021





Aug. 31, 2021

Stay cool - that's easier said than done, especially during heat waves!

Oliver Style presents the results of his work in Spain in session 4 at the 25th International Passive House Conference: affordable and energy-efficient cooling concepts. Cool!


Foto/Picture: © Pepo Segura

Aug. 24, 2021

We alle love summer! And we love warmth. But overheated buildings? Very uncomfortable!

Awareness of cooling and climatization needs is on the rise in the northern hemisphere, too. Soraya Lopez will thus present the Passive House Institute's guidelines for summer comfort at the 25th International Passive House Conference.

Aug. 18, 2021

The 25th International Passive House Conference will take place – no matter what! We are prepared for everything and are looking forward to meeting you in Wuppertal an online. Book your ticket now and still secure the early bird discount until 20 August 2021!

Aug. 17, 2021

Straw as insulation! Sounds crazy? It's actually pretty smart! Benjamin Krick from the Passive House Institute has done just that and will tell us about it at the 25th International Passive House Conference.

Aug. 10, 2021

What is better than an energy efficient building? Exactly! Entire settlements with extremely energy-efficient buildings. From Vienna, Schöberl and Pöll report at the 25th International Passive House Conference on a project in which monument protection and Passive House were combined in a historical ensemble. Find out more in session 1 on Friday, September 10, 2021.