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++ Call for Papers Countdown 3 ++

Electrifying Passive House & Highly efficient healthcare facilities: hospitals, doctor's offices and nursing homes
Aug. 18, 2022

Why are these top­ics so im­port­ant?

Elec­tri­fy­ing Pass­ive House

Re­new­able elec­tri­city is the basis of a CO2-free en­ergy sup­ply. As a lo­gic­al con­sequence, we need to elec­tri­fy our build­ings. This trans­ition to an elec­tri­fied build­ing sec­tor can only suc­ceed if we im­ple­ment am­bi­tious ef­fi­ciency levels, com­bined with heat pumps and loc­al re­new­able en­ergy pro­duc­tion. How are you elec­tri­fy­ing your Pass­ive House / En­erPHit pro­ject? We in­vite you to join the dis­cus­sion on ad­van­cing elec­tri­fic­a­tion of the build­ing sec­tor.


Highly ef­fi­cient health­care fa­cil­it­ies: hos­pit­als, doc­tor's of­fices and nurs­ing homes

The Pass­ive House and En­erPHit stand­ard ad­dresses a lot more than "just" en­ergy ef­fi­ciency. They also stand for healthy en­vir­on­ments with com­fort­able tem­per­at­ures and fresh air. Pass­ive House is a per­fect match for hos­pit­als and health centres! And there is more to it than in­su­la­tion and vent­il­a­tion - op­tim­ising tech­nic­al equip­ment of­fers ad­di­tion­al po­ten­tial for an en­ergy ef­fi­cient over­haul. We would love to hear about your ideas and ex­per­i­ences in this field!


Please sub­mit your ab­stracts un­til 02 Septem­ber 2022!


#26int­PHC #pass­ive­house #en­ergyef­fi­ciency­NOW

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