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++ Call for Papers Countdown ++

Efficiency NOW! These projects make a difference & Do-it-yourself energy efficiency

Why are these topics so important?

Ef­fi­ciency NOW! These pro­jects make a dif­fer­en­ce

NOW! is the time to im­ple­ment the highest levels of en­ergy ef­fi­ciency in­to our build­ings. More ex­treme weath­er events and the en­ergy crisis in Europe make this ex­ceed­ingly clear. Share you ex­per­i­ences of build­ings con­struc­ted to the Pass­ive House or ret­ro­fit­ted to the En­erPHit stand­ard and that are ex­em­plary re­gard­ing en­ergy ef­fi­ciency and go far bey­ond leg­al re­quire­ments. These pro­jects un­boarden our power grids and make the trans­ition to a sus­tain­able en­ergy sup­ply pos­sible.


Do-it-your­self en­ergy ef­fi­ciency

We are fa­cing an en­ergy crisis. Many homeown­ers and renters alike want to pre­pare for an im­pend­ing en­ergy short­age and spike in en­ergy prices. They wish to mod­ern­ise their houses and apart­ments in or­der to re­duce the amount of en­ergy they con­sume. With a short­age of skilled work­ers the "Do-it-your­self" pro­ject of the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te comes in­to play. Step-by-step manu­als for easy-to-im­ple­ment en­ergy ef­fi­ciency meas­ures of­fer guid­ance on how each and every­one can make a dif­fer­en­ce to quickly and ef­fect­ively re­duce their own en­ergy de­mand. Share your ex­amples and DIY ex­per­i­en­ces!


Please sub­mit your ab­stracts un­til 02 Septem­ber 2022!


#26int­PHC #pass­ive­house #en­ergyef­fi­ciency­NOW

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