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Ses­sion 1

Ses­si­on 1: Highly ef­fi­cient mu­ni­cip­al build­ings

Fri­day, 10th March 2023, Ter­ras­sen­saal D + E

In Wies­ba­den with live broad­cast­ing for par­ti­cipants

Ger­man ses­sion with trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish by our live in­ter­pret­ers

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er            
1.30 pm Wel­come
Marc Großklos | IWU

1.35 pm

Tra­des Trai­ning Cen­tre Built to Pas­siv­haus Stan­dard

The Tra­des Cam­pus of the Cham­ber of Crafts Tri­er, Ger­ma­ny, is a vo­ca­tio­nal and fur­ther trai­ning cen­tre with a good 11000 m² TFA. It com­pri­ses class­rooms, a gre­at va­rie­ty of spe­cia­li­sed work­shops and a can­teen. Chal­len­ges re­la­ted main­ly to the buil­ding ser­vi­ces so­lu­ti­ons, ven­ti­la­ti­on in par­ti­cu­lar.

Wolfgang Hasper | Passivhaus Institut

1.50 pm

A gui­ded tour to the sum­mit - Cli­ma­te-neu­tral con­struc­ti­on ma­kes even ex­pe­ri­en­ced moun­tain gui­des break a swe­at 

… an ex­cit­ing story…😊
Pro­fes­sion­als in the area of en­ergy ef­fi­cient con­struc­tion are in­creas­ingly con­fron­ted with the ques­tion of cli­mate neut­ral­ity. Ac­cord­ing to the speak­er, this polit­ic­al vis­ion is an il­lu­sion. He goes on to tell the story of how he took 60 par­ti­cipants in the plan­ning pro­cess with him on a jour­ney to 6 cli­mate-friendly day­cares.

Andreas Nordhoff | IBN

2.05 pm

Liv­ing in a sus­tain­able com­mu­nity

Short present­a­tion of an eco­lo­gic­al Pass­ive House for the StadtNatur build­ing co­op­er­at­ive in Mu­nich Riem com­pris­ing 35 parties as well as the people who made it hap­pen. Plus: How it was fin­anced, what the en­ergy concept was be­hind it and what we learned from the con­struc­tion pro­cess.

Michael Konitzer I Baugemeinschaft StadtNatur
2.20 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

2.40 pm

En­erPHit school build­ing re­fur­bish­ment – eco­nom­ic ef­fi­ciency and con­sump­tion mon­it­or­ing

The En­erPHit re­fur­bish­ment of the Al­brecht-Dürer-Schule res­ul­ted in a heat­ing de­mand of 25 kWh/m²a. The spe­cif­ic con­sump­tion could be re­duced from 150 kWh/m²a to 30 kWh/m²a in 2022. The costs were 1,800 euros/m² (KG 300&400), plus sub­sidies from the Ger­man State of Hesse.

Oliver Ottinger | Da-Di-Werk Gebäudemanagement
2.55 pm

Mu­ni­cip­al build­ings with het­ero­gen­eous user groups
Mu­ni­cip­al build­ings with het­ero­gen­eous user groups, e.g. lib­rary, city po­lice, hotel and res­id­en­tial use have greatly di­ver­ging pre­re­quis­ites for the op­er­at­ors, res­ult­ing in the hindrance of con­sist­ent ret­ro­fit­ting us­ing Pass­ive House com­pon­ents in prac­tice. Pos­sible solu­tions will be dis­cussed in the plen­ary ses­sion. 

Erik Röthele | ERNA

3.10 pm

High-ef­fi­ciency classroom vent­il­a­tion for Pass­ive House school build­ings – les­sons learnt

More information will follow soon.

Rainer Pfluger | Universität Innsbruck
3.25 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  


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