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Ses­sion 13

Ses­si­on 13: Highly ef­fi­cient En­erPHit ret­ro­fits

Sat­urday, 11th March 2023, Ter­ras­sen­saal D+E

In Wies­ba­den with live broad­cast­ing for par­ti­cipants

Ger­man ses­sion with trans­la­tion in­to Eng­lish by our live in­ter­pret­ers

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er        
2.30 pm Wel­come
Hartmut Murschall

2.35 pm

Heat pumps in par­tially re­fur­bished build­ings – the right path to­wards the en­ergy trans­ition?

Sim­u­la­tions for a typ­ic­al single-fam­ily house show that heat pumps make sense in ex­ist­ing build­ings in dif­fer­ent states of re­fur­bish­ment, both in terms of ef­fi­ciency and emis­sion re­duc­tion. De­pend­ing on the situ­ation, bi­valent sys­tems can also of­fer ad­vant­ages.

Guillaume Behem | Institut Wohnen und Umwelt


2.50 pm

Ret­ro­fit of a multi-fam­ily house: De­tailed ana­lys­is and para­met­ers

An multi-fam­ily house in Gießen was equipped with ex­tens­ive thermal in­su­la­tion as part of a re­fur­bish­ment in 2018/2019. The ren­ov­a­tion of the build­ing sig­ni­fic­antly im­proved the in­door cli­mate and saved over 70% of heat­ing en­ergy. This shows how ef­fect­ive the sys­tem and the meas­ures are..

Søren Peper | Passivhaus Institut

3.05 pm

Pass­ive House strategies for adding storeys and re­fur­bish­ment as shown at Sol­ar Dec­ath­lon Europe 21/22

For the Sol­ar Dec­ath­lon Europe 21 com­pet­i­tion, the team from Bib­er­ach Uni­versity of Ap­plied Sci­en­ces pro­posed adding storeys to an ex­ist­ing build­ing em­ploy­ing Pass­ive House strategies. The team built a de­mon­stra­tion build­ing. This art­icle con­tains the meas­ured res­ults of the cur­rent heat­ing peri­od. The trans­fer­able concept is un­der fur­ther sci­en­tif­ic in­vest­ig­a­tion.  

Andreas Gerber | Hochschule Biberach
3.20 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  
3.40 pm

Ret­ro­fit of a ter­raced house with Pass­ive House com­pon­ents in León, North­ern Spain

Pass­ive House com­pon­ents were used in the ren­ov­a­tion of a 100-year-old ter­raced house in León, Spain. The top­ics of cent­ral vent­il­a­tion sys­tems in old build­ings and floor slab in­su­la­tion are dis­cussed in depth. High liv­ing com­fort, quiet­ness and very low main­ten­ance costs were achieved.

Susanne Theumer | Passivhaus Institut


3.55 pm

Does an En­erPHit ret­ro­fit boost the value of a prop­erty? How mod­ern­isa­tion af­fects prop­erty val­ues

Can mod­ern­isa­tion with Pass­ive House com­pon­ents in­crease the prop­erty value? Based on the Real Es­tate Ap­prais­al Or­din­ance (Im­moWer­tV), we were able to show that an En­erPHit roof re­fur­bish­ment can in­crease the value of a res­id­en­tial build­ing bey­ond the costs of the mod­ern­isa­tion


Leo Cremer & Christine Weber | Hochschule RheinMain; Bergische Universität Wuppertal


4.10 pm

Find the Wa­dea­ble Wa­ters in The­se Hec­tic Eco­no­mic Ti­mes

Com­plex­ity char­ac­ter­ises the new con­text in is­sues re­gard­ing the built en­vir­on­ment. Mak­ing pro­gress with­in such com­plex­ity re­quires lead­er­ship. Suit­able lead­er­ship. Bring­ing about the trans­ition of the built en­vir­on­ment is simply not something that can be done in solitude. There are many act­ors in this com­plex design and im­ple­ment­a­tion pro­cess such as: ar­chi­tect, au­thor­it­ies, build­ers, in­stallers and, above all, the own­ers and fu­ture users. It is not easy to define the de­mand side well, you have fu­ture users, own­ers and so­ci­ety who all think how it should be done, every­one has their ques­tions and re­quire­ments. Of­ten the de­mands are con­tra­dict­ory.

Carl-Peter Goossen | Bouwnext
4.25 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

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