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Ses­sion 14

Ses­si­on 14: Highly ef­fi­cient Pass­ive House com­pon­ents

Sat­urday, 11th March 2023, Stu­dio Ter­ras­se

In Wies­ba­den with live broad­cast­ing for par­ti­cipants

Ger­man/Eng­lish ses­sion; Ger­man present­a­tions will be trans­lated in­to Eng­lish by our live in­ter­pret­ers

Time (CET) Lec­ture Speak­er   
2.30 pm Wel­come
Dirk Mobers | EnergieAgentur.NRW

2.35 pm

It's the Win­dows, Stu­pid!

Win­dows are a key part in the faça­de and pre­fa­bri­ca­ti­on of a win­dow mo­du­le com­pri­sing va­ri­ous func­tio­nal ele­ments such as sha­ding de­vi­ces, in­su­la­ti­on and air­tight­ness pro­vi­des le­ver­a­ge for ra­pid and cost-ef­fec­ti­ve si­te work. A com­mer­ci­al re­no­va­ti­on sys­tem on this prin­ci­ple is pre­sen­ted.

Franz Freundorfer & Wolfgang Hasper | pro Passivhausfenster GmbH; Passivhaus Institut

2.50 pm

News about win­dows and glaz­ing

The U-value of glaz­ing units de­pends on the out­door tem­per­at­ure. This de­pend­en­ce de­creases in line with de­creas­ing thick­ness of the space between panes and the num­ber of panes. Va­cu­um glaz­ing units are not af­fec­ted by this ef­fect; however, they re­quire new con­cepts for win­dow frames. One such win­dow has already been cer­ti­fied.

Benjamin Krick | Passivhaus Institut
3.05 pm

En­ergy and CO2 across the li­fe­cycle: The con­tri­bu­tion of build­ing ma­ter­i­als and design

Build­ings that con­sume little en­ergy dur­ing their li­fe­cycle, act as car­bon sinks, are dur­able and cost-ef­fect­ive, are sus­tain­able and help the en­ergy trans­ition. Care­fully se­lec­ted build­ing ma­ter­i­als and design can make an im­port­ant con­tri­bu­tion to this goal.

Benjamin Krick | Passivhaus Institut

3.20 pm

Ques­tions and an­swers


3.40 pm

Ex­trac­tor hoods for do­mest­ic kit­chens – does ex­tract air work in Pass­ive Houses?

Ex­tract­or hoods re­move cook­ing grease and odours from the air. This of­ten comes with con­sid­er­ably high­er en­ergy con­sump­tion, par­tic­u­larly in the case of ex­tract air hoods. Our study com­pared the ef­fect­ive­ness and ef­fi­ciency of ex­haust air ex­tract­or hoods and re­cir­cu­la­tion air ex­tract­or hoods.

Steffen Schwede | Passivhaus Institut
3.55 pm

Do­me­stic Air to Wa­ter He­at Pumps: De­tai­led Per­for­man­ce Mo­ni­to­ring

De­tai­led mo­ni­to­ring of an air to wa­ter he­at pump for one ye­ar il­lus­tra­tes chal­len­ges of ide­al con­trol for ma­xi­mum en­er­gy ef­fi­cien­cy. En­er­gy use is quan­ti­fied for con­trols, cir­cu­la­ti­on pump, and de­frost cy­cles. The im­pact of short cy­cle ope­ra­ti­on is al­so esti­ma­ted.

Alan Clarke | Alan Clarke
4.10 pm

Sum­mary of im­port­ant res­ults from AkkP 59 "Build­ing Auto­ma­tion"

The 59th meet­ing of the Re­search Group for Cost-ef­fect­ive Pass­ive Houses was able to re­fine many as­pects of build­ing auto­ma­tion in Pass­ive Houses. The func­tion­al re­quire­ments should be met with the help of cross-trade sys­tems based on ac­tu­al in­door tem­per­at­ures, us­ing a min­im­um amount of aux­il­i­ary en­ergy.

Wolfgang Hasper | Passivhaus Institut
4.25 pm Ques­tions and an­swers  

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