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Ses­sion 6

Ses­si­on 6: Work­shop Ef­fi­cient Health­care Build­ings

Fri­day, 10th March 2023, Stu­dio Ter­ras­se

Live in Wies­baden with broad­cast­ing for par­ti­cipants

Ger­man/Eng­lish ses­sion; Ger­man present­a­tions will be trans­lated in­to Eng­lish by our live in­ter­pret­ers


With the kind sup­port of:

Zeit (CET)


4.15 - 7.30 pm

Look for­ward to the fol­low­ing top­ics:

  • Po­ten­tia­ls and sug­ges­tions for ef­fi­cient health care build­ings at the im­ple­ment­a­tion ex­ample Hessen
  • Pas­siv­ House prin­ciple for highly ef­fi­cient med­ic­al fa­cil­it­ies in in­ter­na­tion­al con­text
  • Pla­nning cri­ter­ia and pi­lot pro­ject in­sights

4.15 pm Wel­come
4.20 pm Hos­pit­al Frank­furt Höchst - Plan­ning and mon­it­or­ing
Berthold Kaufmann & Steffen Schwede | Passivhaus Institut
4.40 pm Hos­pit­al Frank­furt Höchst - Ex­per­i­en­ces of the cli­ent and the hos­pit­al op­er­at­or
Michael Mertens & Oliver Kaiser | ZEG mbH / Varisano Klinikum Frankfurt Höchst
5.00 pm Ex­per­i­en­ces from the plan­ning phase and the use of sev­er­al nurs­ing homes
Reiner Wirtz | RoA Rongen Architekten
5.20 pm Pause  
5.35 pm Cam­bridge Chil­drens hos­pit­al, Cam­bridge, UK
Ian van Duivenbode | Ramboll UK Limited
5.55 pm Ex­tra Care fa­cil­ity, Ex­eter, UK
Ann-Marie Fallon | Architype
6.15 pm Fole­shill Med­ic­al Cen­ter, Cov­entry, UK
Peter Ranken | Tooley Foster Architects
6.35 pm Homes for eld­erly people in south­ern Europe
Oliver Style | Praxis Resilient Buildings
6.55 pm Pause  
7.05 pm Fi­nal dis­cus­sion  
  At the end of each present­a­tion there is time to ask ques­tions.Take part in our net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies dur­ing the break and com­pare notes with oth­ers at the pan­el dis­cus­sion!  

Back to the Overview

With present­a­tions from Bert­hold Kauf­mann, Pe­ter Ran­ken, Stef­fen Schwe­de, and more.

To Session 7


To the Manufacturer Pitches