© Haus der Technik Essen

The 28th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce goes to Es­sen!

The next In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce will take place in the "Haus der Tech­nik" in Es­sen, Ger­many, on 24 - 25 April 2026.  Un­der the motto "Driv­ing Trans­form­a­tion with En­ergy Ef­fi­ciency!," the con­fer­en­ce will again bring to­geth­er hun­dreds of en­thu­si­ast­ic, in­nov­at­ive build­ing ex­perts from all over the world. To­geth­er we will take fur­ther steps to­wards our goal of a cli­mate-friendly and fu­ture-proof build­ing stock!

Sev­er­al in­ter­act­ive work­shops lead­ing up to the con­fer­en­ce (22 - 23 April 2026) as well as build­ing tours to in­spir­ing pro­jects af­ter­wards (26 April 2026) will round off the two-day pro­gramme.


Stay tuned  sub­scribe to our con­fer­en­ce news­let­ter!


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The In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce brings to­geth­er renowned ex­perts and in­nov­at­ors from all over the world who strive to ad­vance en­ergy ef­fi­ciency in the build­ing sec­tor. The con­fer­en­ce of­fers a wide range of net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies, while the in­sight­ful lec­tures, in­ter­act­ive work­shops and in­spir­ing build­ing tours en­able the con­fer­en­ce par­ti­cipants to share their ex­per­i­en­ces and to learn from each oth­er. The con­fer­en­ce is ac­com­pan­ied by the Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion which fea­tures nu­mer­ous lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of high-qual­ity Pass­ive House com­pon­ents.


The Passive House Exhibition

Pass­ive House com­pon­ents provide max­im­um com­fort with min­im­um en­ergy costs in new builds and re­fur­bish­ments alike. Wheth­er you are in­ter­es­ted in in­su­la­tion ma­ter­i­als, win­dows or vent­il­a­tion sys­tems with heat re­cov­ery – you can meet the rep­res­ent­at­ives of lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­ers of Pass­ive House com­pon­ents at the ac­com­pa­ny­ing spe­cial­ist ex­hib­i­tion. Here you will find first-class ad­vice, in­form­a­tion ma­ter­i­als, il­lus­trat­ive mod­els and ex­perts happy to an­swer your ques­tions. The Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion opens its doors for you on 24 and 25 April 2026 in the "Haus der Tech­nik" in Es­sen, Ger­many.


Sched­ule of the 28th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Essen, Germany

22 - 23 April 2026 Ad­di­tion­al work­shops in the run-up to the con­fer­en­ce

24 - 25 April 2026

28th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce including lectures, workshops, and networking
in the "Haus der Technik" in Essen, Germany

24 - 25 April 2026 Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion
26 April 2026

In­spir­ing build­ing tours to Pass­ive House pro­jects in the re­gion




Par­ti­cip­ate in this year's con­fer­en­ce work­shops!



Seize the op­por­tun­ity to ex­pand your net­work!


Build­ing tours


Vis­it in­spir­ing Pass­ive House pro­jects with us!


Mona Neubaur,
Deputy Min­is­ter-Pres­id­ent of Northrhine-West­phalia
and State Min­is­ter for Eco­nom­ics, In­dustry, Cli­mate Pro­tec­tion and En­ergy
has taken on the role of pat­ron for the 28th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce












With kind sup­port from






 Venue 2026