Pass­ive House on Tour 2024/2025

Pass­ive House on Tour 2024/2025

The next In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce will take place in 2026 and pre­par­a­tions for this event have already star­ted. Mean­while, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te, to­geth­er with the In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House As­so­ci­ation and its part­ners around the world, has a lot in store for 2024 and 2025!

The "Pass­ive House on Tour" event series en­cap­su­lates the motto of think­ing glob­ally and act­ing loc­ally, which is core to the work of the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te and its In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House As­so­ci­ation. Only if the Pass­ive House stand­ard is ad­op­ted world­wide, we can make an im­pact and sig­ni­fic­antly de­crease the harm­ful emis­sions con­nec­ted to the built en­vir­on­ment. Pass­ive House on Tour will fa­cil­it­ate loc­al events while still en­abling in­ter­na­tion­al col­lab­or­a­tion and net­work­ing. Watch this page, as de­tails of "Pass­ive House on Tour" un­fold!

Vari­ous con­fer­en­ces and in-per­son events are tak­ing place around the globe that in­form and ad­voc­ate for Pass­ive House in the re­spect­ive re­gion. The re­gion­al con­fer­en­ces are a great way to take in Pass­ive House know­ledge in a loc­al con­text while mak­ing the most of net­work­ing op­por­tun­it­ies to bring for­ward highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient build­ings to­geth­er. This list will be up­dated on a reg­u­lar basis to help you find events near you:


As part of the in­ter­na­tion­al events in the Pass­ive House on Tour series, the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te con­trib­uted two ses­sions to the 2024 China In­ter­na­tion­al Green and Healthy Build­ing Expo in Gaobeidi­an on 20 + 21 Septem­ber 2024. More in­form­a­tion can be found here.

While one ses­sion fo­cused on suc­cess­ful policy-mak­ing and built ex­amples of high en­ergy ef­fi­ciency in vari­ous re­gions world­wide, the second ses­sion offered par­ti­cipants valu­able in­sights in­to as­pects to do with tech­nic­al im­ple­men­a­tion and the latest de­vel­op­ments in Pass­ive House com­pon­ents.

The 12 in­ter­na­tion­ally es­teemed ex­perts re­ceived much pos­it­ive feed­back from a keen audi­en­ce and seized the op­por­tun­ity to ex­change ideas with a large num­ber of stake­hold­ers to spread know­ledge about the Pass­ive House concept.


Fancy vis­it­ing a re­gion­al con­fer­en­ce or­gan­ised by the iPHA af­fil­i­ates?


THRIVE - Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce,  Mel­bourne - Aus­tralia, 23-24 May 2024

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Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce, Tāk­ina Wel­ling­ton - Aoteaora - New Zea­l­and, 12 - 13 Septem­ber 2024

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12th Passivhaus Con­fer­en­ce Por­tugal 2024, Aveiro - Por­tugal, 22 - 23 Oc­to­ber 2024

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16. Con­fer­en­cia Es­pañola Passivhaus, Mad­rid - Spain, 22 -25 Oc­to­ber 2024

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Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries can look for­ward to a ded­ic­ated Pass­ive House on Tour event series hos­ted by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te and its Ger­man-speak­ing Pass­ive House net­work or­gan­isa­tions IG Passivhaus and Passivhaus Aus­tria. Loc­al, 1-day work­shop-style ses­sions will bring Pass­ive House to dif­fer­ent re­gions in Ger­many and Aus­tria. These com­pact events will de­liv­er Pass­ive House know­ledge in a loc­al con­text, spur ex­change of ex­per­i­en­ces and en­able the in­volve­ment of re­gion­al stake­hold­ers and net­works. For more in­form­a­tion on the Ger­man events, please vis­it the Ger­man over­view of the Pass­ive House on Tour events.

Be­sides Pass­ive House on Tour and the events hos­ted by the iPHA Af­fil­i­ates lis­ted on this page, you can ex­pect many more op­por­tun­it­ies to learn and share know­ledge about Pass­ive House. For ex­ample, the peri­od­ic Pass­ive House Open Days al­low an in­ter­es­ted audi­en­ce to ex­per­i­en­ce the com­fort and air qual­ity of Pass­ive House Build­ings in per­son. Fur­ther­more, the train­ing of­fers by the Pass­ive House In­sti­tu­te and its world­wide ac­cred­ited course pro­viders al­low for con­tin­ued learn­ing and pro­fes­sion­al growth. And last but not least, the monthly iPHA we­binars and Pro­ject Spot­lights provide en­ga­ging on­line present­a­tions, spot­light­ing dif­fer­ent as­pects and build­ing ty­po­lo­gies. To be­come part of the in­ter­na­tion­al com­mu­nity, con­sider be­com­ing an iPHA mem­ber here or with your loc­al Af­fil­i­ate or­gan­isa­tion.

Think glob­ally, act loc­ally!
