Ses­si­on 10

Ses­si­on 10: Sum­mer com­fort and re­si­li­ence [Prä­sen­ta­tio­nen in Eng­lisch]

Don­ners­tag, 1. Ok­to­ber 2020, 09.00 Uhr

Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
09.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
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Stefan Pallantzas | Moderation

09.05 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se and re­si­li­ence in the face of a war­ming cli­ma­te

Buil­dings need to be de­si­gned to pro­vi­de com­fort in a chan­ging cli­ma­te. This stu­dy de­s­cri­bes the stan­dards to as­sess, and stra­te­gies to achie­ve, com­fort in a 2050 cli­ma­te whi­le achie­ving Pas­si­ve Hou­se tar­gets for a com­plex mi­xed-use stu­dent hou­sing and di­ning pro­ject in Vic­to­ria BC Ca­na­da.

Kaz Bremner | Perkins and Will Architects
Chris Doel | Integral Group

09.20 Uhr

Re­si­li­ence of Pas­si­ve Hou­ses to bus­h­fi­re smo­ke in­fil­tra­ti­on

The extreme airtightness of Passive Houses reduces the rate at which bushfire smoke infiltrates homes.  The main infiltration pathway in Passive Houses is via the MVHR system.  Smoke infiltration can be substantially reduced by incorporating higher grade filtration into the MVHR to achieve healthy indoor air quality during hazardous smoke events.

Cameron Munro | Passive Analytics

09.35 Uhr

The im­pact of a war­ming cli­ma­te on buil­dings

War­ming cli­ma­te con­di­ti­ons are causing a ge­ne­ral trend of de­cre­a­sed hea­ting and in­cre­a­sed coo­ling needs for buil­dings. The im­pli­ca­ti­ons that this has on ge­ne­ral de­sign prio­ri­ties are dis­cus­sed ba­sed on ex­am­ple buil­dings in hea­ting and well as in coo­ling do­mi­na­ted lo­ca­ti­ons.  

Jessica Grove-Smith | Passivhaus Institut
09.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

10.10 Uhr

First cer­ti­fied Pas­si­ve Hou­se buil­ding in a ve­ry hot and dry cli­ma­te

What hap­pens when the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard is ap­p­lied in a ve­ry hot and dry cli­ma­te? The theo­re­ti­cal ener­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy stra­te­gies we­re con­firmed in prac­ti­ce by the first built and cer­ti­fied Pas­si­ve Hou­se (sin­gle fa­mi­ly ho­me) in the de­sert cli­ma­te of Sau­di Ara­bia.

Dragos-Ionut Arnautu | Passivhaus Institut
Ludwig Mathias Häußler | Ludwig International GmbH
10.25 Uhr

So­lar gains and ther­mal ef­fect on li­ving kom­fort and qua­li­ty

A sum­mer and win­ter con­cept that op­ti­mi­zes so­lar aspects are ana­ly­zed in an pas­si­ve of­fi­ce buil­ding in Den­mark. Cal­cu­la­ti­on of PH sha­ding de­si­gns com­bi­ned with na­tu­ral ven­ti­la­ti­on are ba­sed on new cli­ma­te da­ta with + 5°C to check the ro­bust­ness of the de­sign. User in­stal­led sun film is ana­ly­sed.

Søren Dietz | Bjerg arkitektur, Green Lab

10.40 Uhr

Hei­zen und Küh­len mit Split-Ge­rä­ten (Kom­pres­si­ons­käl­te) un­ter Be­ach­tung des ther­mi­schen Kom­forts

Aus­füh­rungs­emp­feh­lun­gen für das Hei­zen und Küh­len für Wohn­ge­bäu­de mit Kli­ma­ge­rä­ten wer­den vor­ge­stellt, ba­sie­rend auf dy­na­mi­schen Si­mu­la­tio­nen un­ter Er­fül­lung der An­for­de­run­gen an den ther­mi­schen Kom­fort.

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Adrian Muskatewitz | Passivhaus Institut
10.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
The­ma­tisch pas­sen­de Pos­ter­bei­trä­ge fin­den Sie in die­sem Jahr in der ON­LI­NE Pas­siv­haus-Fach­aus­stel­lung:  
  Ther­mis­cher Kom­fort im Som­mer, Wolf­gang Frey | Pass­ive Hou­se and the en­er­get­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the Azo­res ar­chi­pe­la­go, Fran­cis­co Fer­n­an­des  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 11


Zu Session 9