专题论坛 10

专题论坛 10 :夏日舒适和气候变化下的被动房应用

2020年10月1日‧星期四; 欧洲中部时间: 9:00 am (北京时间: 3:00 pm) 

主题 演讲者     
9:00 am Wel­come
Stefan Pallanzas_Chair10_400_z.jpg
Stefan Pallantzas | Chair

9:05 am

Pas­si­ve Hou­se and re­si­li­en­ce in the face of a war­ming cli­ma­te

Buil­dings need to be de­si­gned to pro­vi­de com­fort in a chan­ging cli­ma­te. This stu­dy de­s­cri­bes the stan­dards to as­sess, and stra­te­gies to ach­ie­ve, com­fort in a 2050 cli­ma­te whi­le ach­ie­ving Pas­si­ve Hou­se tar­gets for a com­plex mi­xed-use stu­dent hou­sing and di­ning pro­ject in Vic­to­ria BC Ca­na­da.

Kaz Bremner | Perkins and Will Architects


9:20 am

Re­si­li­en­ce of Pas­si­ve Hou­ses to bus­h­fi­re smo­ke in­fil­tra­ti­on

The ex­treme air­tight­ness of Pass­ive Houses re­duces the rate at which bush­fire smoke in­filt­rates homes.  The main in­filt­ra­tion path­way in Pass­ive Houses is via the MVHR sys­tem.  Smoke in­filt­ra­tion can be sub­stan­tially re­duced by in­cor­por­at­ing high­er grade fil­tra­tion in­to the MVHR to achieve healthy in­door air qual­ity dur­ing haz­ard­ous smoke events.

Cameron Munro | Passive Analytics

9:35 am

The im­pact of a war­ming cli­ma­te on buil­dings

War­ming cli­ma­te con­di­ti­ons are causing a ge­ne­ral trend of de­cre­a­sed hea­ting and in­cre­a­sed coo­ling needs for buil­dings. The im­pli­ca­ti­ons that this has on ge­ne­ral de­sign prio­ri­ties are dis­cus­sed ba­sed on ex­am­ple buil­dings in hea­ting and well as in coo­ling do­mi­na­ted lo­ca­ti­ons.  

Jessica Grove-Smith | Passive House Institute
9:50 am Ques­tion and An­swer  

10:10 am

First cer­ti­fied Pas­si­ve Hou­se buil­ding in a ve­ry hot and dry cli­ma­te

Dragos-Ionut Arnautu | Passive House Institute
Ludwig Mathias Häußler | Ludwig International GmbH
10:25 am So­lar gains and ther­mal ef­fect on li­ving kom­fort and qua­li­ty
Søren Dietz | Bjerg arkitektur, Green Lab

10:40 am

Heizen und Küh­len mit Split-Ger­äten (Kom­pres­sion­skälte) unter Beach­tung des ther­mis­chen Kom­forts (Present­a­tion in Ger­man)

Aus­füh­rungs­emp­feh­lun­gen für das Hei­zen und Küh­len für Wohn­ge­bäu­de mit Kli­ma­ge­rä­ten wer­den vor­ge­stellt, ba­sie­rend auf dy­na­mi­schen Si­mu­la­tio­nen un­ter Er­fül­lung der An­for­de­run­gen an den ther­mi­schen Kom­fort.

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Adrian Muskatewitz | Passive House Institute
10:55 am Ques­tion and An­swer  
This year you will find them­at­ic­ally suit­able poster con­tri­bu­tions in the ON­LINE Pass­ive House Ex­hib­i­tion:  

Ther­mis­cher Kom­fort im Som­mer, Wolfgang Frey | Pass­ive House and the en­er­get­ic sus­tain­ab­il­ity of the Azores ar­chipelago, Fran­cisco Fernandes


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