Ses­si­on 14

Ses­si­on 14: Pas­si­ve Hou­se Po­li­cy

Mitt­woch, 7. Ok­to­ber 2020, 17.00 Uhr

Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
17.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Bronwyn_Barry_Profile Pic_edited_edited.JPG
Bronwyn Barry | Moderation

17.05 Uhr

Peo­ple, Po­li­cy and Pro­jects: the upt­a­ke of Pas­si­ve Hou­se in Bri­tish Co­lum­bia

This pre­sen­ta­ti­on re­views the key dri­vers be­hind the upt­a­ke of the Pas­si­ve Hou­se stan­dard in Bri­tish Co­lum­bia over 10 years; from one pro­ject in 2010 using im­por­ted ex­per­ti­se and ma­te­ri­als to a pro­li­fe­ra­ti­on of trai­ned per­son­nel, en­ab­ling po­li­cies and pro­jects at dif­fe­rent sca­les and ty­pes in 2020.

Cillian Collins | Perkins and Will Architects

17.20 Uhr

The trans­for­ma­ti­on of a de­sign prac­ti­ce and a ci­ty

Af­ter the suc­cess of the 1st Pas­si­ve Hou­se in Van­cou­ver, this ar­chi­tec­tu­ral firm ex­pe­ri­enced an in­cre­a­se in pro­jects from co­de-stan­dard buil­dings to on­ly PH Cer­ti­fied wi­thin 3 years. This grow­th oc­cur­red due to pu­blic ex­pos­ure to PH and po­li­cy change in the Ci­ties de­ve­lop­ment re­gu­la­ti­ons.

Lucio Picciano | DLP Architecture inc
17.35 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

17.50 Uhr

Wa­shing­ton state ener­gy co­de path is now equal to PHI low-ener­gy buil­ding stan­dard

Pas­si­ve Hou­se Nor­thwest ener­gy co­de pro­po­sal for 2018 Wa­shing­ton state ener­gy co­de re­du­ces air­tight­ness for all buil­ding ty­pes and re­qui­res he­at re­co­ve­ry ven­ti­la­ti­on for mul­ti­fa­mi­ly buil­dings. PHPP re­sults in­di­ca­te co­de mi­ni­mum mul­ti­fa­mi­ly buil­dings can meet PHI low-ener­gy buil­ding stan­dard.

Mike Fowler | Passive House Northwest and Mithun

18.05 Uhr

Figh­ting off ener­gy po­ver­ty: can Pas­si­ve Hou­se be the ans­wer?

De­ep en­er­gy ret­ro­fit­ting (DER) has nu­mer­ous pos­it­ive ef­fects, one of which is en­er­gy po­ver­ty mit­ig­a­ti­on. In the poo­rest EU coun­try - Bul­ga­ria, DER has the po­ten­ti­al to lead the ma­jor­ity of the af­fec­ted hou­se­holds out of po­ver­ty risk, if suit­ab­le po­li­cy meas­ures at loc­al le­vel are ap­plied.

Dragomir Tzanev | EnEffect, Center for Energy Efficiency

18.20 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se and the SDGs: Connec­ting an in­ter­na­tio­nal buil­ding stan­dard with glo­bal aims

Ma­ny of the UN’S 17 Su­stai­na­ble De­ve­lop­ment Goals (SDGs) are re­la­ted to the en­vi­ron­ment – both na­tu­ral and built. The Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard ma­kes an es­sen­ti­al con­tri­bu­ti­on to mee­ting ma­ny of the SDGs. This ar­tic­le sum­ma­ri­ses the ways in which Pas­si­ve Hou­se con­tri­bu­tes to ma­ny of the SDGs.

Giorgia Tzar | Passivhaus Institut
18.35 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
The­ma­tisch pas­sen­de Pos­ter­bei­trä­ge fin­den Sie in die­sem Jahr in der ON­LI­NE Pas­siv­haus-Fach­aus­stel­lung:  

Com­mu­ni­ca­te Pas­si­ve Hou­se – re­ach a wi­der au­dience, João Ga­vião | "ALL PAS­SIV­HAUS!" A bui­si­ness stra­t­egy ma­king high ef­fi­cient ho­mes main­stream in Spain, Cla­ra Lo­ren­te Mar­tin | On the road to su­stai­na­bi­li­ty: a Pas­si­ve Hou­se and LEED cross­walk, Mi­chel­le Schwar­ting


Zu­rück zum Über­blick


Zu Ses­si­on 15


Zu Session 13