Ses­si­on 16

Ses­si­on 16: Pas­si­ve Hou­se pro­jects across the glo­be

Don­ners­tag, 8. Ok­to­ber 2020, 09.00 Uhr

Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
09.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
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Elrond Burrell | Moderation

09.05 Uhr

Gi­bral­tar Guest­hou­se: stu­dent flats in Go­then­burg

Building warrant had been granted for the construction of a temporary block of flats with 100 units on the grounds of the parking lots of Chalmers University. Since the warrant is for 15 years altogether only, it was built in such a way that the flats can be re-used at another place afterwards. 

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Ingo Theoboldt | Passivhusbyrån

09.20 Uhr

In­fi­ni­ty: Mas­sivso­ci­al­haus, 150 Pas­siv­haus so­ci­al dwel­lings in Ge­ta­fe, Ma­drid (Spain)

The com­pa­ny LO­BE's de­di­ca­ti­on to the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard is ma­ni­fes­ted with In­fi­ni­ty, the first cer­ti­fied mul­ti­fa­mi­ly Pas­si­ve buil­ding in Ma­drid: The com­plex con­tains 150 so­ci­al hou­sing apart­ments in Ge­ta­fe, Ma­drid (www.pas­si­ve­hou­se-da­ta­ba­ ID 6290). Con­struc­ti­on be­gan in 2018 and the in­au­gu­ra­ti­on took place in Fe­brua­ry 2020. Equi­ped with he­at pumps and ex­ter­nal­ly lo­ca­ted ven­ti­la­ti­on units plus so­lar DHW it fea­tu­res pro­ven tecno­lo­gies in the Spa­nisch cli­ma­te. Lar­ge bal­co­nies sha­de the fa­ca­de to pro­vi­de com­for­ta­ble in­door tem­pe­ra­tu­res all ye­ar round.


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Clara Lorente Martin | LOBE

09.35 Uhr

Bang­kok first con­cre­te Pas­si­ve Hou­se

De­spi­te un­i­que chal­len­ges po­sed by obstacles such as the tro­pi­cal Thai cli­ma­te, the in­tro­duc­ti­on of new me­thods of ven­ti­la­ti­on and a li­mi­ted bud­get, this Bang­kok pro­ject was ab­le to suc­cess­ful­ly im­ple­ment new stra­te­gies to achie­ve its' goals of pro­vi­ding both ener­gy sa­vings and af­for­da­ble hou­sing.

Shih-Chieh Yeh | BWK Green Architecture Co. Ltd.
09.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

10.10 Uhr

Pas­si­ve Hou­se in Cold Cli­ma­tes

Alt­hough it can be chal­len­ging to meet the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard in a cold cli­ma­te, the­se pro­jects de­mons­tra­te that it is most de­fi­ni­te­ly pos­si­ble. The over­whel­ming po­si­ti­ve feed­back from cli­ents and the end users on ener­gy sa­vings and high com­fort le­vels con­firm it is worth the ef­fort.

Stephen Quinn | Peel Passive House Consulting Ltd.
10.25 Uhr

Na­mas­te Pas­si­ve Hou­se

This pa­per dis­cus­ses how a ty­pi­cal In­di­an buil­ding lay­out can achie­ve the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Stan­dard. It in­clu­des which com­ponents may be re­qui­red for dif­fe­rent cli­ma­te zo­nes, as well as the re­la­ted ener­gy and mo­ne­ta­ry sa­vings.

Camille Sifferlen | Passivhaus Institut

10.40 Uhr

First Pas­siv­haus Plus of­fi­ce buil­ding in Spain

The in­ter­na­tio­nal fa­shi­on foot­we­ar brand Vic­to­ria ope­ned last No­vem­ber 2019, a new hea­d­quar­ters and lo­gi­stics wa­re­hou­se with a built sur­face of ​​8,852 m2. This brand cha­rac­te­ri­sed by the ma­nu­fac­ture of foot­we­ar with na­tu­ral ma­te­ri­als and pro­xi­mi­ty pro­duc­ti­on, is the first cer­ti­fied Pas­siv­haus Plus of­fi­ce buil­ding in Spain.

10.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
The­ma­tisch pas­sen­de Pos­ter­bei­trä­ge fin­den Sie in die­sem Jahr in der ON­LI­NE Pas­siv­haus-Fach­aus­stel­lung:  

Sin­gle fa­mi­ly hou­sing in two con­struc­ti­on mo­des: con­cre­te ver­sus tim­ber fra­me and straw, Ju­li­en Ri­vat, An­na Czer­wins­ka | Ex­plo­ring pas­si­ve hou­se and cir­cu­lar eco­no­my stra­te­gies in tro­pi­cal West Af­ri­ca, No­ah Geth­se­ma­ne Ak­hi­mi­en |The ro­le of pas­si­ve hou­se buil­dings on the de­ve­lop­ment of su­stai­na­ble ci­ties: Ga­zi­an­tep Ca­se Stu­dy, Tug­ba Sal­man Gur­can | Ex­plo­ring re­duc­ti­on of con­struc­ti­on costs for Pas­siv­haus pi­lot pro­ject in Ban­ga­lo­re, In­dia, Chet­na Bal­la | PH as a first step to a net-ze­ro ener­gy buil­ding (NZEB) in hot and hu­mid cli­ma­te zo­ne,  An­drew Straus


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