Session 7: Passive House retrofits [Präsentationen in Englisch]
Mittwoch, 30. September 2020, 17.00 Uhr
Uhrzeit (MESZ) | Vortrag | Referent |
17.00 Uhr | Begrüßung | Bjorn Kierulf | Moderation |
17.05 Uhr |
Past, present, & future solutions for masonry retrofits
Michael Ingui | Baxt Ingui Architects
17.20 Uhr |
Retrofitting Asturias architectural heritage This Hotel project entails an energy study which sets the path to follow for nearly zero energy buildings, combining the refurbishment of a more than 100 years old building, part of Asturias patrimony, and the adoption of the rigorous Passivhaus standards and their retrofit certificate EnerPhit. |
17.35 Uhr |
EnerPHit airtightness & moisture control: Robust simple solutions for low-leak retrofits The article presents the airtightness and moisture control strategy and its execution in an EnerPHit retrofit of a historic building in Barcelona, resulting in very low air infiltration rates in the preliminary Blower Door tests.
Bega Clavero | Progetic
17.50 Uhr | Fragen und Antworten | |
18.10 Uhr |
The Energiesprong approach: Affordable, climate-conscious living for all! Energiesprong rethinks the renovation process and transforms it from a project to a product level. Using new technologies like prefabricated elements, long-term performance warranties and an innovative financing approach, it creates NetZero-homes that are affordable for everyone in very short time. |
Ron van Erck | Energiesprong Foundation Uwe Bigalke | Teamleiter Energieeffiziente Gebäude, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH |
18.25 Uhr |
Initial experiences with the condominium fee model as applied in Assen By providing apartments with a new shell, savings can be achieved on energy costs so that the renovation can be paid for. This formula ‘Energiesprong’ involves three steps: guarantee, warrantee from the municipality so the lender will "feel comfortable" and give a low interest rate. |
Carl-Peter Goossen | Bouwnext/DNA in de bouw Clarence Rose | WNR |
18.40 Uhr |
"ecoworks" realises the first serial RetroPhit in Germany Serial renovation based on the Dutch energiesprong principle is very cost-effective. The Berlin start-up ecoworks wants to implement this type of serial modernization industrially, quickly, inexpensively and in large numbers in Germany. Twelve residential units were completed in Hameln in 2020. |
Stefan Oehler | ecoworks GmbH
18.55 Uhr | Fragen und Antworten | |
Thematisch passende Posterbeiträge finden Sie in diesem Jahr in der ONLINE Passivhaus-Fachausstellung: | ||
Simple low cost heating in multi-residential enerphit, Alan Clarke |
19:20 Uhr |
outPHit: Project | overviewJan Steiger | Passivhaus Institut |
outPHit: Pilot projects | Anne Vogt | VAND arquitectura |
Serielle Sanierung in Hessen | Christian Kuhlmann | LandesEnergieAgentur (LEA) für Hessen |
20:00 Uhr | Fragen und Antworten | |
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