Ses­si­on 7

Ses­si­on 7: Pas­si­ve Hou­se re­tro­fits [Prä­sen­ta­tio­nen in Eng­lisch]

Mitt­woch, 30. Sep­tem­ber 2020, 17.00 Uhr

Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent             
17.00 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Bjorn Kierulf | Moderation

17.05 Uhr

Past, pre­sent, & fu­ture so­lu­ti­ons for ma­son­ry re­tro­fits

Michael Ingui | Baxt Ingui Architects


17.20 Uhr

Re­tro­fit­ting Astu­ri­as ar­chi­tec­tu­ral he­ri­ta­ge

This Hotel project entails an energy study which sets the path to follow for nearly zero energy buildings, combining the refurbishment of a more than 100 years old building, part of Asturias patrimony, and the adoption of the rigorous Passivhaus standards and their retrofit certificate EnerPhit.  



17.35 Uhr

Ener­PHit air­tight­ness & moi­sture con­trol: Ro­bust sim­ple so­lu­ti­ons for low-leak re­tro­fits

The ar­tic­le pres­ents the air­tight­ness and moi­sture con­trol stra­t­egy and its exe­cu­ti­on in an Ener­PHit re­tro­fit of a his­to­ric buil­ding in Bar­ce­lo­na, re­sul­ting in ve­ry low air in­fil­tra­ti­on ra­tes in the pre­li­mi­na­ry Blower Door tests.

Bega Clavero | Progetic


17.50 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
18.10 Uhr

The Ener­gie­sprong ap­proach: Af­for­da­ble, cli­ma­te-con­s­cious li­ving for all!  

Ener­gie­sprong rethinks the re­no­va­ti­on pro­cess and trans­forms it from a pro­ject to a pro­duct le­vel. Using new tech­no­lo­gies li­ke pre­fa­bri­ca­ted ele­ments, long-term per­for­man­ce war­ran­ties and an in­no­va­ti­ve fi­nan­cing ap­proach, it crea­tes Net­Ze­ro-ho­mes that are af­for­da­ble for eve­r­yo­ne in ve­ry short ti­me.

Ron van Erck | Energiesprong Foundation
Uwe Bigalke | Teamleiter Energieeffiziente Gebäude, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH

18.25 Uhr

In­iti­al ex­pe­ri­ences with the con­do­mi­ni­um fee mo­del as ap­p­lied in As­sen

By pro­vi­ding apart­ments with a new shell, sa­vings can be achie­ved on ener­gy costs so that the re­no­va­ti­on can be paid for. This for­mu­la ‘Ener­gie­sprong’ in­vol­ves three steps: gua­ran­tee, war­ran­tee from the mu­ni­ci­pa­li­ty so the len­der will "feel com­for­ta­ble" and gi­ve a low in­te­rest ra­te.

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Carl-Peter Goossen | Bouwnext/DNA in de bouw
Clarence Rose | WNR
18.40 Uhr

"eco­works" rea­li­ses the first se­ri­al Re­tro­Phit in Ger­ma­ny

Se­ri­al re­no­va­ti­on ba­sed on the Dutch ener­gie­sprong prin­ci­ple is ve­ry cost-ef­fec­ti­ve. The Ber­lin start-up eco­works wants to im­ple­ment this ty­pe of se­ri­al mo­der­ni­za­ti­on in­dus­tri­al­ly, quick­ly, in­ex­pen­si­ve­ly and in lar­ge num­bers in Ger­ma­ny. Twel­ve re­si­den­ti­al units we­re com­ple­ted in Ha­meln in 2020. 

Stefan Oehler_zugeschnitten_400.png
Stefan Oehler | ecoworks GmbH


18.55 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  
The­ma­tisch pas­sen­de Pos­ter­bei­trä­ge fin­den Sie in die­sem Jahr in der ON­LI­NE Pas­siv­haus-Fach­aus­stel­lung:  

Sim­ple low cost hea­ting in mul­ti-re­si­den­ti­al ener­phit, Alan Clar­ke

19:20 Uhr

out­PHit - de­ep ren­ov­a­ti­on pro­jects
mo­re re­li­ab­le, fas­ter and cheap­er

  out­PHit: Pro­ject  over­view    
Jan Steiger.jpg klein.jpg
Jan Stei­ger | Pas­siv­haus In­sti­tut
        out­PHit: Pi­lot pro­jects 
An­ne Vogt | VAND ar­qui­tec­tu­ra
   Se­ri­el­le Sa­nie­rung in Hes­sen
Chris­ti­an Kuhl­mann | Lan­des­En­er­gie­A­gen­tur (LEA) für Hes­sen
20:00 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick


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