专题论坛 11

专题论坛 11 :大型(高层)被动房建筑

2020年10月1日‧星期四; 欧洲中部时间: 5:00 pm (北京时间: 11:00 pm) 

时间(CEST) 主题 演讲者         
5:00 pm Wel­come
Monte Paulson_400_z.png
Monte Paulsen | Chair

5:05 pm

Be­a­con in the sky: A re­si­den­ti­al tower un­der­goes a step­wi­se En­er­PHit re­tro­fit

The Ray­mond Des­ma­rais Ma­nor tower is un­der­go­ing a step­wi­se ap­proach to the En­er­PHit stan­dard. The buil­ding fa­ces ma­ny chal­len­ges in­clu­ding te­nan­cy du­ring con­struc­ti­on, ex­is­ting bal­co­nies, and step­wi­se re­tro­fit. This pa­per ex­plo­res the un­i­que HVAC and en­ve­lo­pe so­lu­ti­ons im­ple­men­ted.

Melissa Furukawa | Peel Passive House Consulting


5:20 pm

EnerPhit refurbishment of the administrative high rise of the "Dachverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungen"

Helmut Schöberl | Schöberl & Pöll GmbH

5:35 pm

First En­er­PHit re­si­den­ti­al high-ri­se in North Ame­ri­ca: The Ken So­ble Tower

The Ken Soble Tower in Ontario is a show­case hous­ing ret­ro­fit poised to be the first En­erPHit apart­ment tower in North Amer­ica, with con­struc­tion now un­der­way. This present­a­tion will re­view the strategies used to achieve En­erPHit cer­ti­fic­a­tion and out­line chal­lenges over­come for Pass­ive House re­new­al in the Ca­na­di­an con­text.

Graeme Stewart | ERA Architects / Centre for Urban Growth and Renewal
5:50 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

6:10 pm

De­ve­lo­ping a re­p­li­ca­ble me­tho­do­lo­gy for suc­cess­ful Tall Pas­si­ve Hou­se Buil­dings

More re­cently we are see­ing a rap­id ex­pan­sion in High Rise Pass­ive House build­ings in the world. Many of these taller build­ings are stand alone build­ings and not in­fill pro­jects. With this  comes a new set of chal­lenges. This present­a­tion fo­cuses on a few solu­tions of the com­pleted pro­ject.

Stas Zakrzewski | ZH Architects
6:25 pm

Con­struc­ti­on con­trol of key tech­no­lo­gies in high-ri­se buil­ding of pre­mi­um Pas­si­ve Hou­se

Bai Yu | Beijing Institute of Residential Building Design & Research co.,LTD

6:40 pm

Mo­nash Uni­ver­si­ty: Wood­si­de buil­ding for tech­no­lo­gy and de­sign

Dragos-Ionut Arnautu | Passive House Institute
Walter van der Linde | Aurecon Group
6:55 pm Ques­tion and An­swer  

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