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Keyno­te-Spea­ker Ple­num | Sams­tag, 11. März

Keyno­te-Spea­ker-Ple­num der 26. In­ter­na­tio­na­len Pass­iv­haus­ta­gung

Sams­tag, 11. März 2023, Ter­ras­sen­saal D + E

In Wies­ba­den mit Li­ve-Über­tra­gung für Teil­neh­men­de

Eng­li­sche Ses­si­on; wird li­ve auf Deutsch über­setzt


Uhr­zeit (MEZ) Re­fe­rent*in Vor­trag                                             

8.30 Uhr

Jan Steiger | Passivhaus Institut


Er­öff­nung des Keyno­te-Spea­ker-Plen­ums

8.35 Uhr
Andrew Arifuzzaman | University of Toronto Scarbrough

The Jour­ney of Pas­si­ve Hou­se in To­ron­to: Dri­ving Sys­tem Change and Buil­ding Ca­pa­ci­ty

The exe­cu­ti­on of a new Uni­ver­si­ty of To­ron­to Scar­bo­rough Pas­si­ve Hou­se re­si­dence was in­ten­tio­nal­ly de­si­gned to broad­ly en­ga­ge with in­ves­tors, con­sul­tants, lo­cal au­t­ho­ri­ties and buil­ders to build lo­cal know­led­ge, ex­per­ti­se and pas­si­on for Pas­si­ve Hou­se and de-risk fu­ture pro­jects wi­thin the re­gi­on.

8.55 Uhr

Justin Bere | bere:architects

Is Pas­si­ve Hou­se key to un­locking a de­car­bo­ni­sed grid?

Elec­tric he­at pumps and elec­tric trans­port are nee­ded to de­car­bo­ni­se our eco­no­mies, but does
this con­si­der the peak load pro­blem that will oc­cur when he­at pumps are in­stal­led in 29 mil­li­on or­di­na­ry ho­mes in the UK? This stu­dy finds that the Pas­si­ve Hou­se stan­dard may be the key to un­locking an af­for­da­ble, su­stai­na­ble, and rea­li­stic de­car­bo­ni­sa­ti­on plan.
9.15 Uhr                        
Kate de Selincourt | Freelance writer and researcher

The Po­ten­ti­al of Pas­siv­haus to Pro­tect Peo­ple in Ex­tre­me Fi­nan­ci­al Dis­tress

In the UK high ener­gy pri­ces and poor hou­sing lea­ve ma­ny peo­ple un­a­ble to he­at their ho­mes. Mo­del­ling and an­ec­do­te sug­gest un­hea­ted Pas­siv­haus main­tain sa­fe tem­pe­ra­tu­res in cool wea­ther for 5 days or mo­re. In win­ter tem­pe­ra­tu­res al­so re­main si­gni­fi­cant­ly hig­her than in non-Pas­siv­haus

9.35 Uhr
Raphaël Vibert | Herz & Lang GmbH

The PH-Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on can eit­her be a bur­den or a migh­ty qua­li­ty ca­ta­ly­ser!

This pre­sen­ta­ti­on aro­se from our 15 years of in­ter­na­tio­nal ex­pe­ri­ence as cer­ti­fiers and from the suc­cess­ful Ener­PHit Re­tro­fit of the Ken So­ble Tower in Ha­mil­ton (2021). It aims at gi­ving a ge­ne­ral gui­dance on the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Cer­ti­fi­ca­ti­on Pro­cess to help de­sign teams to choo­se the right pa­thway for their own pro­jects.

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