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Ses­si­on 12

Ses­si­on 12: In­ter­na­tio­nal Ener­PHit Pro­jects (In­ter­na­tio­na­le Ener­PHit Pro­jek­te)

Sams­tag, 11. März 2023, Stu­dio 2.2 B-D

In Wies­ba­den, wird auf­ge­zeich­net on den On­li­ne-Teil­neh­mern nach der Ta­gung on de­mand zur Ver­fü­gung ge­stellt

Eng­li­sche Ses­si­on

Uhr­zeit (MEZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent*in            
10.45 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Micheel Wassouf | Energiehaus
10.50 Uhr

First Cer­ti­fied Ener­PHit Re­si­den­ti­al Tower in North Ame­ri­ca: Con­struc­ti­on and Oc­cu­pan­cy

Com­ple­ted in 2021, the Ken So­ble Tower Trans­for­ma­ti­on is a ground-brea­king pro­ject re­ha­bi­li­ta­ting a post-war apart­ment tower in Ha­mil­ton, On­ta­rio to the Pas­si­ve Hou­se Ener­PHit re­tro­fit stan­dard - re­du­cing green­hou­se gas emis­si­ons by 94% and lay­ing the ground­work for the in­dus­try-wi­de re­pair and re­ne­wal pro­jects which are ur­gent­ly nee­ded to main­tain thou­sands of apart­ments across Ca­na­da.

Graeme Stewart | ERA Architects, the Tower Renewal Partnership
11.05 Uhr

The Min­ne­PHit Hou­se: Cold Cli­ma­te Pas­si­ve Hou­se Ener­PHit Pi­lot Pro­ject

The Min­ne­Phit Hou­se is a 2011 Pas­si­ve Hou­se re­tro­fit of a 1935 Mid­west ho­me that il­lus­tra­tes the path from ob­so­le­scence to per­for­man­ce, com­fort, re­si­li­ence, eco­no­my and su­stai­na­bi­li­ty in a cold cli­ma­te zo­ne.

Tim Delhey Eian | TE Studio, Ltd.
11.20 Uhr

Small Town Com­mer­ci­al Ener­PHit

Nähere Informationen folgen.

Gary Moshier | Moshier Studio


11.35 Uhr

Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten


11.55 Uhr


The ana­ly­sis re­flects the ve­ry good be­ha­viour of the buil­ding in sum­mer­ti­me. In­te­ri­or tem­pe­ra­tu­res ha­ve a ve­ry high in­er­tia, mo­ving bet­ween 26-27ºC, worth men­tio­ning that we are de­aling with a well-pre­pa­red buil­ding user, com­bi­ned with a smart con­trol sys­tem (mo­to­ri­zed ve­ne­ti­an blinds etc). 

lores micheelfoto.jpg
Micheel Wassouf | Energiehaus
12.10 Uhr

His­to­ri­cal Tow­n­hou­se Loft Con­ver­si­on to Ener­PHit Plus

Pre­sen­ting a ther­mo-re­no­va­ti­on pro­ject con­ver­ting a squat­ted loft on top of 1905 te­ne­ment hou­se in­to high va­lue, net-ze­ro-ener­gy space used as an of­fi­ce and as a re­si­den­ti­al dwel­ling by ap­p­ly­ing Ener­PHit Stan­dard.

Bartosz Królczyk | Wielkopolska Passive House Association
12.25 Uhr

Re­si­den­ti­al Buil­ding Re­tro­fit to­wards Pas­si­ve-Hou­se Stan­dards: Best Prac­ti­ces

Nä­he­re In­for­ma­tio­nen fol­gen.

Sara Corridori | Michael Tribus Architecture
12.40 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick



Zu Session 13



Zu Session 11