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Ses­si­on 4

Ses­si­on 4: In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus and Pre­mi­um Buil­dings (In­ter­na­tio­na­le Pas­siv­haus Plus und Pre­mi­um Ge­bäu­de)

Frei­tag, 10. März 2023, Stu­dio 2.2 B-D

In Wies­ba­den, wird auf­ge­zeich­net und nach der Ta­gung on de­mand zur Ver­fü­gung ge­stellt

Eng­li­sche Ses­si­on

Uhr­zeit (MEZ) Vor­trag Re­fe­rent*in            
13.30 Uhr Be­grü­ßung
Edwin Peter May | BLDGTYP, LLC

13.35 Uhr

Pas­siv­haus PLUS at 60 De­grees North

Chal­len­ges and op­por­tu­ni­ties for the ra­pid ad­op­ti­on of the Pas­siv­haus Plus stan­dard the new mi­ni­mum!  Alt­hough the Pas­siv­haus Clas­sic Stan­dard is well un­der­stood, the Pas­siv­haus Plus & Pre­mi­um stan­dards de­pend on over­due chan­ges in do­mi­nant so­cio-tech­ni­cal re­gi­mes. We Can do it even at 60° north!

Allen Duncan | University of Greenwich

13.50 Uhr

Eva­lua­ting Two Years of Ener­gy Per­for­man­ce for a Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus Dwel­ling

This stu­dy pres­ents the ana­ly­sis of the ener­gy con­sump­ti­on and sup­ply for an all-elec­tric Pas­si­ve Hou­se Plus Dwel­ling (Bram­bles – ID 6613) which has a ho­me bat­te­ry and an elec­tric ve­hic­le. Bram­bles’ low ener­gy use and bills of­fer a so­lu­ti­on to hou­sing de­sign, con­si­de­ring the UK’s net-ze­ro goals.

Ifrah Ariff | bere:architects

14.05 Uhr

How Ea­sy Is It to Achie­ve Pas­siv­haus Pre­mi­um in Warm Cli­ma­tes?

This pre­sen­ta­ti­on aims to en­cou­ra­ge users to de­sign Pas­siv­haus Pre­mi­um and ta­ke ad­van­ta­ge of its be­ne­fits. It enor­mous­ly re­du­ces elec­tri­ci­ty con­sump­ti­on and de­coup­les from the ri­se in ener­gy pri­ces. Re­ne­wa­ble so­lar ener­gy pro­duc­ti­on in coun­tries with high so­lar ra­dia­ti­on ma­kes it even ea­sier.

Maria Vico García | Castaño y Asociados Construcción Sostenible S.L.
14.20 Uhr

Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten


14.40 Uhr

In­door Air Qua­li­ty Per­for­man­ce on the Er­ne Cam­pus - Pas­si­ve Hou­se Pre­mi­um Buil­ding

In­door Air Qua­li­ty has such a si­gni­fi­can­ce when we con­si­der the amount of ti­me peo­ple spend in­doors. Pas­si­ve Hou­se Buil­dings ha­ve con­sis­tent­ly shown post oc­cu­pan­cy da­ta which is in li­ne with op­ti­mum air qua­li­ty. This stu­dy pres­ents the first ye­ar of CO2 and Tem­pe­ra­ture da­ta for the Er­ne Cam­pus.

Barry McCarron | South West College

14.55 Uhr

El­la­n­ion Vil­la: af­for­da­ble, su­stai­na­ble, au­to­no­mous pas­si­ve hou­se pre­mi­um on Ae­gi­na Gree­ce

El­la­n­ion Vil­la is a 149 sq.m. three-be­droom hou­se built, using CFS struc­ture. It in­cor­po­ra­tes se­ver­al tech­no­lo­gies al­lo­wi­ng it to pro­du­ce mo­re ener­gy than nee­ded, ma­king it an off the grid Pre­mi­um Pas­si­ve Hou­se. We pre­sent the pro­ces­ses of de­sign, con­struc­ti­on and the cur­rent ener­gy uti­li­za­ti­on.

Vesko Mutafchiev | Vivacitas Homes
15.10 Uhr

Ap­p­ly­ing the Pas­siv­haus Plus Stan­dard to Vo­lu­me­tric Mo­du­lar Ho­mes Built Off­si­te Using MMC

By ad­ap­ting the ‘tried and tes­ted’ Be­at­tie Pas­si­ve PHI cer­ti­fied com­po­nent build sys­tem for mo­du­lar, Be­at­tie Pas­si­ve has com­bi­ned the ener­gy ef­fi­ci­en­cy, com­fort and car­bon-sa­ving be­ne­fits of the Pas­siv­haus stan­dard with the speed, pre­ci­si­on and ver­sa­ti­li­ty of vo­lu­me­tric mo­du­lar tech­no­lo­gy.

Ron Beattie | Beattie Passive
15.25 Uhr Fra­gen und Ant­wor­ten  

Zu­rück zum Über­blick



Zu Session 5

Zu Session 3