The early bird catches the worm!

The mountains are calling, the seaside awaits money and buy your conference ticket before the vacation!
Friday, 30 July 2021

Dear people interested in Passive House, take the opportunity before the summer break and book your conference ticket until Monday at the attractive early bird price!

Take ad­vant­age of the early book­ing dis­count and mem­ber be­ne­fits!

Se­cure your in­di­vidu­al con­fer­en­ce tick­et now: Join the con­fer­en­ce on-site in Wup­per­tal and/or on­line, the choice is yours:


Part 1 and Part 2 as an ON­LINE-only tick­et


ex­per­i­en­ce part 1 live in Wup­per­tal and part 2 com­fort­ably from home


The early bird price is val­id un­til Au­gust 2, 2021.

As a mem­ber of IG Passivhaus Deutsch­land, PH Aus­tria and iPHA, you will also re­ceive a 25% dis­count on the early bird price.

Be­come a mem­ber and se­cure ex­tens­ive be­ne­fits. With a mem­ber­ship you also sup­port our work on the way to a highly en­ergy-ef­fi­cient fu­ture - to­wards achiev­ing cli­mate pro­tec­tion goals.

Book your ticket now


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