Early bird discount extended to 20 August!

Wednesday, 18 Aug. 2021

The 25th International Passive House Conference will take place – no matter what! We are prepared for everything and are looking forward to meeting you in Wuppertal an online. Book your ticket now and still secure the early bird discount until 20 August 2021!

Still un­de­cided on wheth­er to par­ti­cip­ate in the 25th an­nu­al In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House con­fer­en­ce?

Per­haps the fol­low­ing in­form­a­tion will help you make up your mind!

Hy­brid con­fer­en­ce? How will it work?
We are cur­rently plan­ning the first part of the con­fer­en­ce in­clud­ing half of the ses­sions as an on-site event in Wup­per­tal, on Septem­ber 10-12, 2021. All fully vac­cin­ated, re­covered or par­ti­cipants who can show a neg­at­ive COV­ID-19 test can move freely in the His­tor­ische Stadthalle Wup­per­tal.

The second part of the con­fer­en­ce, will fea­ture a fur­ther eight lec­ture ses­sions, and is ex­clus­ively an on­line event, tak­ing place Septem­ber 14 -15.

Prefer to take part in the on­line ses­sions only?
We un­der­stand! Par­ti­cipants can book the "Con­fer­en­ce tick­et - At­tend­ance on­line only" in our tick­et shop. By do­ing so, you can en­joy 5 days of In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce con­tent from the com­fort of your own home!

Re­book your tick­et? No prob­lem!
Would you like to cel­eb­rate the 25th an­nu­al con­fer­en­ce with us and take part in-per­son in Wup­per­tal? Then book the "Con­fer­en­ce tick­et - At­tend­ance on­line and in Wup­per­tal". If of­fi­cial reg­u­la­tions do not al­low the on-site events, you can change your tick­et to at­tend­ance on­line only at any time and you'll be re­fun­ded the dif­fer­en­ce!
Of course, spon­tan­eous par­ti­cip­a­tion in the on-site event is also pos­sible! Con­tact us by Septem­ber 6, 2021 for a tick­et up­grade.


Still have ques­tions? You may find your an­swer in the Q&A sec­tion on our web­site.


To­geth­er, we look for­ward to cel­eb­rat­ing an im­port­ant an­niversary and a suc­cess­ful con­fer­en­ce - on­line and in Wup­per­tal!


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