Conference Sneak Peek #1

Excursions on 12 March 2023
Thursday, 23 Feb. 2023

Get your tick­et for one of the five Pass­ive House Ex­cur­sions on 12 March 2023!


Book your ex­cur­sion tick­ets now and choose one of five tours on Sunday, 12th March 2023:


- Vis­it fas­cin­at­ing schools in Weit­er­stadt and Raunheim.

- Stroll through the Heidel­berg Bahn­stadt with a tour guide and get in touch with ex­perts.

- Join the tour to Frank­furt.

- En­joy Darm­stadt as home city to the Pass­ive House.

- Get act­ive dur­ing the spe­cial walk­ing tour through Wies­baden.


To the tickets

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