Training & Networks for the 21st century construction (in English)

Passive House-Forum (Hall 3), Friday, 9 March 2018, 11:15am - 1:15pm

Experience exchange for universities, colleges, further-education centres and networks.
Dedicated to the teaching and dissemination of energy efficient construction knowledge.



Opening Janna Schoenfeld (EASME), Dr. Josef Hochhuber (Bavarian Ministry of Economics), Wolfgang Hasper (Passive House Institute)
Train-to-NZEB Project, Dragomir Tzanev (Coordinator, EnEffect)
Training programmes, Susanne Winkel (Passive House Institute)
Regional Network Passivhauskreis Rosenheim (NN, Passivhauskreis)
Integration of PH training in University curricula, Prof. Ludwig Rongen & Univ. Prov. Dr.-Ing. Rainer Pfluger
National Networking in Germany, Sabine Stillfried (IG Passivhaus Deutschland)
The International Passive House Association Frank Bosenick, Giorgia Tzar (iPHA)


Exchange and networking, 3 x 15 mins


Closing ceremony


End of formal event. Forum space available for discussion.


Icon NODES Agenda (1008.8 KB)

Icon Train-to-NZEB: The Building Knowledge Hubs (2.5 MB)