Ple­num | Mitt­woch, 30. Sep­tem­ber

Halb­zeit­ple­num der 24. In­ter­na­tio­na­len Pass­iv­haus­ta­gung

Mitt­woch, 30. Sep­tem­ber 2020, 09.00 Uhr

Uhr­zeit (MESZ) Re­fe­rent Vor­trag                                             

09.00 Uhr

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Jan Steiger

Ge­schäfts­füh­rung Pas­siv­haus In­sti­tut

Er­öff­nung des Halb­zeit­plen­ums

09.05 Uhr
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Andrew McAllister

Ca­li­for­nia Ener­gy Com­mis­si­on

Fin­ding Com­mu­ni­ty: Pas­si­ve Buil­ding for Qua­li­ty of Li­fe, Glo­be and Grid

09.25 Uhr

Ni Hai­qiong

CEO, Ori­ent Sun­dar Group

In­ter­na­tio­nal Pas­si­ve Hou­se Con­fe­rence igni­tes Chi­na Buil­ding Ener­gy Con­ser­va­ti­on In­dus­tri­al Re­vo­lu­ti­on

09.40 Uhr Jan Stei­ger                           Ge­schäfts­füh­rung Pas­siv­haus In­sti­tut
09.45 Uhr
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Gordon Sutherland

Head of Sec­tor – Buil­dings & Hea­ting/Coo­ling
Eu­ro­pean Com­mis­si­on, Exe­cu­ti­ve Agen­cy for Small and Me­di­um-si­zed En­ter­pri­ses (EAS­ME)

Ho­ri­zon 2020 and beyond: Prio­ri­ties and Fun­ding for Ener­gy in Buil­dings - EAS­ME

The pre­sen­ta­ti­on fo­cu­ses on the la­test achie­ve­ments of EU fun­ded pro­jects on su­stai­na­ble buil­dings un­der the Ho­ri­zon 2020 Re­se­arch and In­no­va­ti­on Pro­gram­me, pres­ents the cur­rent fun­ding op­por­tu­ni­ties un­der the Green De­al Call, and gi­ves so­me in­sight in­to the fun­ding Pro­gram­mes that can be ex­pec­ted to sup­port su­stai­na­bi­li­ty in the buil­dings sec­tor un­der the new Eu­ro­pean fi­nan­ci­al per­spec­ti­ve un­til 2027 cur­rent­ly un­der dis­cus­si­on. 

10.05 Uhr

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Dr. Julia Verlinden MdB

Frak­ti­on Bünd­nis 90/Die Grü­nen, Spre­che­rin für Ener­gie­po­li­tik

Ener­gie­ef­fi­zi­enz als Schlüs­sel für kli­ma­neu­tra­le Ge­bäu­de: Was jetzt ge­tan wer­den muss

10.25 Uhr
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Jan Steiger und Laszlo Lepp

Pas­siv­haus In­sti­tut

DE­EP RE­TRO­FITS! no mat­ter if con­ven­tio­nal or pre-fa­bri­ca­ted, in one shot or step-by-step

    Zu Session 7
Zur Übersicht   Zu Session 6