Successful Advisory Board Meeting!

Tuesday, 23 March 2021

Thank you to our Advisory Board members for 3 days of inspiring discussions to put together the conference programme for the 25th International Passive House Conference in September 2021. The programme will be published by end of April 2021. The conference planned as an hybrid event will take place in the Stadthalle in Wuppertal/Germany and ONLINE.

On our way to Wup­per­tal...

we have now made great pro­gress! Most re­cently, we were able to suc­cess­fully hold our on­line Ad­vis­ory Board meet­ing. This year, a 35-mem­ber Ad­vis­ory Board is in­volved in the pro­cess. We were able to wel­come in­ter­na­tion­al plan­ners and ad­visors as well as long-time sup­port­ers. Nu­mer­ous rep­res­ent­at­ives of re­gion­al sup­port­ers, such as the Min­istry of Eco­nom­ics of the State of North Rhine-West­phalia, which is the pat­ron and co-or­gan­iser of the con­fer­ence, also par­ti­cip­ated in­tens­ively in the eval­u­ation of the con­fer­ence con­tri­bu­tions.

The ap­prox­im­ately 240 con­tri­bu­tions re­ceived were dis­cussed and eval­u­ated in­di­vidu­ally and now form the basis for the pro­gramme of the 25th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­en­ce in Wup­per­tal. Ac­cord­ing to the un­an­im­ous feed­back of the Ad­vis­ory Board mem­bers, the out­stand­ing qual­ity of many of the con­tri­bu­tions sub­mit­ted this year was very pos­it­ive. You can look for­ward to in­form­at­ive and ex­cit­ing lec­tures at the Pass­ive House Con­fer­ence.

Once again this year, there are top­ics that have gen­er­ated a par­tic­u­larly large num­ber of sub­mis­sions and are there­fore of above-av­er­age in­terest to those in­volved. On the one hand, these are again in­ter­est­ing con­tri­bu­tions on lar­ger pro­jects such as non-res­id­en­tial build­ings or multi-storey res­id­en­tial con­struc­tions built in Pass­ive House Stand­ard. On the oth­er hand, prac­ti­tion­ers are in­creas­ingly con­cerned with either ad­di­tion­al sus­tain­ab­il­ity as­pects or eco­lo­gic­al ma­ter­i­als for Pass­ive Houses or En­erPHit mod­ern­isa­tions. They also deal with solu­tions for pre­fab­ric­ated con­struc­tion and renov­a­tion con­cepts for highly ef­fi­cient new build pro­jects and renov­a­tions. An im­port­ant part of the solu­tions is also the train­ing and know­ledge trans­fer for cur­rent and fu­ture plan­ning and con­struc­tion staff, but also the suc­cess­ful com­mu­nic­a­tion of the Pass­ive House prin­ciples to loc­al au­thor­it­ies or build­ing own­ers.

Many solu­tions and strategies with re­quire­ments for a whole range of tar­get groups have been de­veloped here, many pos­it­ive ex­amples that are look­ing for im­it­at­ors - on the way to es­tab­lish­ing the Pass­ive House Stand­ard in all areas!

Let's do it!

The pro­gramme for the 25th In­ter­na­tion­al Pass­ive House Con­fer­ence will be com­piled in the com­ing weeks and pub­lished here at the end of April 2021.


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